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Iklan ramadhan 2024 arkam
Berita UtamaSultra

Ari Anjurkan Kembali ke Pupuk Organik


Ari Anjurkan Kembali ke Pupuk Organik

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Ari Anjurkan Kembali ke Pupuk Organik
Kadis Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Sultra
Ari Sismanto Head of Agriculture and Food Crops Office, Sultra Ari Sismanto

Ari Encourages Returning to Organic Fertilizers

ORDE BARU harus diakui banyak membawa kemajuan. Tidak ketinggalan dunia pertanian. Di subsektor pertanian tanaman pangan, misalnya, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) tanpa pikir panjang mencatat Indonesia mencapai swasembada pangan, khususnya beras  pada tahun 1980-an. Wajah Pak Harto makin semringah ketika mendapatkan pengakuan organisasi pangan dunia tersebut.

NEW ORDE must be recognized as bringing a lot of progress. Do not miss the world of agriculture. In the food crops sub-sector, for example, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) thoughtlessly noted that Indonesia achieved food self-sufficiency, especially rice in the 1980s. Pak Harto’s face became even more excited when he was recognized by the world food organization.

Adalah jasa pupuk anorganik (kimia) yang memforsir peningkatan produksivitas beberapa kali lipat setiap hektar tanaman padi. Selain itu penggunaan berbagai jenis bibit varietas unggul yang pada awalnya diimpor dari Filipina, dan kemudian bisa dihasilkan sendiri, juga berkontribusi besar dalam revolusi hijau itu.

Is an inorganic fertilizer (chemical) service that fosters an increase in productivity several times every hectare of rice. In addition, the use of various types of seeds of superior varieties that were originally imported from the Philippines, and then can be produced on their own, also contributed greatly to the green revolution.

Petani juga tertarik menggunakan anorganik karena lebih praktis. Pupuk yang digunakan  relatif sedikit. Harga pun lebih murah karena memang disubsidi pemerintah. Pemasaran pupuk kimia menjadi bisnis yang menguntungkan sehingga di kota kabupaten dan kecamatan berderet toko yang menawarkan pupuk tersebut. Maka petani pun lebih mudah memperolehnya.

Farmers are also interested in using inorganic because it is more practical. Fertilizers used are relatively small. The price is cheaper because it is subsidized by the government. Chemical fertilizer marketing has become a profitable business so that in the district and sub-district cities are lined with shops offering such fertilizer. So farmers can easily get it.

Beberapa dekade kemudian,  lahan pertanian khususnya lahan  sawah menjadi jenuh dengan pupuk  kimia. Pupuk itu tidak lagi menyuburkan tetapi sebaliknya membuat lahan mengeras dan kurus. Tidak heran jika produktivitas dan produksi beras mengalami status quo. “Bahkan cenderung menurun”, ujar Ari Sismanto, Kadis Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Sultra.

A few decades later, agricultural land, especially rice fields, became saturated with chemical fertilizers. The fertilizer no longer fertilizes but instead makes the land harden and thin. No wonder the productivity and production of rice experiences the status quo. “It even tends to decline,” said Ari Sismanto, Head of the Food Crop and Animal Husbandry Province of Southeast Sulawesi.

Mantan Kadis Pertanian Konawe Selatan itu mengatakan, pada awalnya petani sangat gembira dengan produksi padi 4-5 ton per hektar. Sekarang galau karena produksi umumnya rata-rata maksimal hanya 3 ton.

The former Head of the Agriculture Office of Konawe Selatan said that initially farmers were very happy with rice production of 4-5 tons per hectare. Now it is troubled because the average production is only a maximum of 3 tons.

Ari bertekad untuk meningkatkan produksi pangan khususnya beras. Dia tidak puas dengan kondisi saat ini, meskipun swasembada beras Provinsi Sultra telah mencapai 158.850 ton pada tahun 2018. Produksi tersebut berasal dari luasan sawah 128.00 hektar, dan umumnya beririgasi teknis.

Ari is determined to increase food production, especially rice. He was not satisfied with the current conditions, although the Southeast Sulawesi province’s self-sufficiency in rice had reached 158,850 tons in 2018. The production came from 128.00 hectares of rice fields, and was generally technically irrigated.

Untuk mewujudkan tekad itu Ari mengajak petani untuk kembali menggunakan pupuk organik, pupuk yang tidak asing sebelum revolusi hijau di mana pupuk kimia menjadi sarana produksi yang hasilnya mencengangkan pada awalnya.

To realize this determination, Ari invited farmers to re-use organic fertilizer, a fertilizer that was familiar before the green revolution in which chemical fertilizer became a means of production whose results were astounding at first.

Setelah diuji coba di beberapa tempat, petani sawah kembali bergairah karena produksi padi meningkat 6-8 ton per hektar. Ari Sismanto menjelaskan, dalam musim tanam saat ini ditargetkan sekitar 1000 hektar lahan sawah di Konda akan menggunakan pupuk organik.

After being tested in several places, paddy farmers returned to passion because rice production increased by 6-8 tons per hectare. Ari Sismanto explained, in the current planting season it is targeted that around 1000 hectares of rice fields in Konda will use organic fertilizer.

Petani tidak sulit mendapatkan pupuk organik. Sumber bahan pupuk ini dapat berupa kompos, pupuk hijau, pupuk kandang,  limbah panen seperti jerami, dedak, batang dan tongkol jagung, limbah ternak. Semua ada di sekitar petani.

Farmers are not difficult to get organic fertilizer. The source of this fertilizer can be compost, green manure, manure, harvest waste such as straw, bran, corn stalks and cobs, livestock waste. All are around farmers.

Terkait peningkatan produksi pangan, Ari juga mengemukakan pihaknya akan menambah beberapa jenis tanaman pangan yang diakrabi petani Sultra selama ini, seperti padi, jagung, umbi-umbian.

Related to increasing food production, Ari also said it would add several types of food crops familiar to Southeast Sulawesi farmers so far, such as rice, corn, tubers.

Menurut dia, tanaman porang lebih menjanjikan kesejahteraan karena nilai ekonomisnya lebih tinggi. Harga komoditas ini lebih mahal dari tanaman pangan lainnya. Produksi tumbuhan porang berbentuk umbi. Setelah dikeringkan harganya bisa mencapai ratusan ribu rupiah setiap kilogram.

According to him, porang plants are more promising of welfare because of their higher economic value. The price of this commodity is more expensive than other food crops. Production of porang plants in the form of tubers. After drying the price can reach hundreds of thousands of rupiah per kilogram.

Ari mengatakan, tumbuhan porang sebetulnya banyak juga terdapat di Sultra. Tetapi dia tumbuh liar di hutan karena belum dibudidayakan.  Tumbuhan ini serumpun dengan bunga bangkai.

Ari said, actually many porang plants are also found in Southeast Sulawesi. But he grows wild in the forest because it has not been cultivated. This plant is allied with corpse flower.

Tumbuhan porang menghasilkan umbi yang bisa dimakan. Selain itu multiguna. Tepung porang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan lem, agar-agar, mi, tahu, bahan baku industri kosmetik. Tidak heran jika umbi yang multiguna itu bernilai ekonomis tinggi.

Porang plants produce edible tubers. In addition it is multipurpose. Porang flour can be used as an ingredient of glue, gelatin, noodles, tofu, raw materials for the cosmetics industry. No wonder the multipurpose bulbs are of high economic value.

Selain porang, Ari juga ingin mengembangkan sorgum. Produksi tanaman ini juga serba guna. Selain sebagai bahan pangan, pakan ternak, sorgum juga merupakan bahan baku industri minuman seperti sirup,  wine (anggur), lem, cat. Di beberapa negara antara lain Amerika, sorgum digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bahan bakar etanol.

Besides porang, Ari also wants to develop sorghum. This crop production is also versatile. Apart from being a food ingredient, animal feed, sorghum is also a raw material for the beverage industry such as syrup, wine (wine), glue, paint. In some countries, including America, sorghum is used as a raw material for making ethanol fuel.

Semangat dan tekad Kadis Pertanian dan Peternakan Sultra untuk meningkatkan produksi sangat sejalan bahkan merupakan respons positif terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur yang menggelegar di era Presiden Joko Widodo. Infrastruktur transportasi seperti pelabuhan dan penyediaan tol laut, harus diimbangi dengan peningkatan produksi.

The enthusiasm and determination of the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department to increase production are in line with even a positive response to the booming infrastructure development in the era of President Joko Widodo. Transportation infrastructure, such as ports and the provision of sea tolls, must be balanced with increased production.

Ada fenomena di kawasan timur Indonesia yang tidak menguntungkan dunia pelayaran. Umumnya kapal cargo yang beroperasi ke kawasan ini,  ketika pulang ke pelabuhan utama seperti Makassar, Surabaya, dan Jakarta dalan keadaan muatan kosong. Lebih tepatnya sangat kekurangan muatan balik (return cargo). Pasalnya, di kawasan timur produksi belum berkembang.

There is a phenomenon in eastern Indonesia that does not benefit the shipping world. Generally, cargo ships operate to this area, when returning to major ports such as Makassar, Surabaya and Jakarta, in a state of empty cargo. More precisely, there is a lack of return cargo. Because, in the eastern region production has not yet developed.

Masalah tersebut belum direspons sebagaimana mestinya oleh para kepala daerah setempat, yaitu bupati/walikota dan gubernur. Pembangunan infrastruktur yang menggelegar tidak segera ditangkap sebagai peluang besar  untuk segera memajukan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Wujudnya adalah peningkatan produksi. Sekali lagi peningkatan produksi, agar kapal-kapal cargo tidak kesulitan muatan balik,  dan bangkitnya perdagangan antar pulau dan antar daerah.

This problem has not been responded to properly by the heads of the local regions, namely regents / mayors and governors. Blaring infrastructure development was not immediately captured as a great opportunity to immediately advance the economy of the local community. His form is to increase production. Once again increased production, so that cargo ships are not difficult to payload, and the rise of trade between islands and between regions.

Karena itu, semangat dan tekad Kadis Pertanian dan Peternakan Sultra harus didukung oleh pengambil keputusan setempat. Dana-dana DAK (Dana Alokasi Khusus) maupun APBD harus diarahkan lebih banyak untuk mendukung  sektor-sektor peningkatan produksi.

Therefore, the enthusiasm and determination of the Head of North Sulawesi Agriculture and Animal Husbandry must be supported by local decision makers. DAK (Special Allocation Funds) and APBD funds should be directed more to support sectors to increase production.***       



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