Governor of Central Figure
GUBERNUR adalah figur sentral di daerah. Bahkan berpeluang besar untuk naik menjadi figur sentral secara nasional. Di Amerika Serikat, tidak jarang gubernur pindah kamar tidur ke Gedung Putih sebagai presiden negara adidaya dan kampiun demokrasi itu. Jimmy Carter disebutkan sebagai contoh. Gubernur Negara Bagian Georgia tersebut terpilih sebagai Presiden AS ke-39 (1977-1981).
The Governor is a central figure in the area. It even has a big chance to rise to become a national central figure. In the United States, it is not uncommon for governors to move bedrooms to the White House as president of the superpower and champion of democracy. Jimmy Carter is mentioned as an example. The Governor of the State of Georgia was elected as the 39th US President (1977-1981).
Indonesia sendiri menyaksikan proses politik yang menyentakkan. Joko Widodo baru menjabat sekitar 2 tahun sebagai Gubernur Daerah Khusus Ibukota secara surprise terpilih sebagai Presiden ke-7 Republik Indonesia. Seperti halnya Jimmy Carter, Jokowi panggilan akrabnya berlatar belakang sipil bergelar insinyur kehutanan dari Universitas Gajah Mada.
Indonesia itself witnessed a thrilling political process. Joko Widodo has only been serving for about 2 years as the Governor of the Special Capital Region and was surprisingly elected as the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia. Like Jimmy Carter, Jokowi was nicknamed a civilian background with a forestry engineer from Gajah Mada University.
Jokowi malah melampui popularitas Jimmy Carter yang juga adalah senator dari Georgia. Pria kelahiran 1 Oktober 1924 di Plains, Georgia, itu menjabat Presiden AS hanya satu periode berdurasi 4 tahun (1977-1981). Sedangkan Jokowi dua periode, yaitu 20014-2018 dan saat ini 2019-2024.
Jokowi even exceeded the popularity of Jimmy Carter who is also a senator from Georgia. The man born on October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia, served as US President for only one period of 4 years (1977-1981). While Jokowi has two periods, namely 20014-2018 and currently 2019-2024.
Sebagai figur sentral, gubernur ditempatkan di rumah kaca oleh masyarakat di alam demokrasi dewasa ini. Sehingga gerak geriknya mudah kelihatan. Seumpama gubernur terlambat masuk kantor karena sesuatu sebab, hal itu pasti menjadi sorotan. Gubernur sulit ditemui masyarakat akan menjadi bahan gunjingan seumur hidup.
As a central figure, the governor is placed in a greenhouse by the people in today’s democracy. So that the movements are easily visible. Suppose the governor is late in entering the office for some reason, that must be in the spotlight. The governor is difficult to meet with the public and will be the subject of a lifetime of gossip.
Gubernur adalah wakil pemerintah pusat di daerah. Oleh karena itu, gubernur setiap saat melakukan koordinasi terkait penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dengan pemerintah pusat di Jakarta. Maka, jangan heran jika dalam waktu-waktu tertentu gubernur tidak berada di tempat.
The Governor is the representative of the central government in the region. Therefore, the governor always coordinates with the administration of the government with the central government in Jakarta. So, do not be surprised if at certain times the governor is not in place.
Pada waktu yang berbeda gubernur juga bisa sering tidak berada di tempat karena harus melakukan koordinasi dan pembinaan di kabupaten dan kota. “Pendek kata, Ali Mazi karena jabatannya sebagai Gubernur Sultra sering tidak berada di tempat” kata Syaifullah, Kamis 20 Februari 2020, di kantornya di bilangan Kemaraya, Kendari. Dia adalah Kadis Informasi dan Komunikasi Provinsi Sultra.
At different times the governor may also often be absent because of the need to coordinate and foster in districts and cities. “In short, Ali Mazi because his position as Governor of Southeast Sulawesi is often away,” said Syaifullah, Thursday, February 20, 2020, at his office in Kemaraya, Kendari. He is the Head of South Sulawesi Province Information and Communication Office.
Syaifullah melanjutkan, tugas dan fungsi gubernur telah dibagi habis kepada sekitar 52 OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) dan Sekretariat Kantor Gubernur di Kendari. Karena itu, terkait pelayanan publik tidak ada masalah, tidak ada hambatan. Semua berjalan lancar.
Syaifullah continued, the duties and functions of the governor had been completely distributed to around 52 Regional Representative Organizations (OPD) and the Secretariat of the Governor’s Office in Kendari. Therefore, related to public services there are no problems, there are no obstacles. All went well.
Bagi masyarakat, baik perorangan maupun lembaga yang hendak berurusan dengan gubernur, tinggal dilihat urusannya mengenai apa saja. Jika menyangkut perizinan, misalnya, hal tersebut harus dirinci lagi izin apa. Kalau izin trayek angkutan luar kota (antar kota antar kabupaten dalam provinsi), itu sudah pasti urusan Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Sultra.
For the community, both individuals and institutions wishing to deal with the governor, all that remains is to look at their affairs. When it comes to licensing, for example, what permissions should be specified. If the permit for the out-of-city transportation route (between cities between regencies within the province), it is definitely the affairs of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Transportation Office.
Boleh jadi juga Gubernur Ali Mazi tidak masuk kantor di Bumipraja Andonohu, kendati masih berada di Kendari, karena dia sedang melakukan kunjungan ke proyek pembangunan jalan wisata Kendari-Toronipa. Proyek jalan sepanjang 14,6 Km tersebut dinilai sangat strategis karena membuka jalur konektivitas ibu kota provinsi dengan obyek-obyek wisata alam dan pantai di kawasan Toronipa.
It may also be that Governor Ali Mazi did not enter the office in Bumipraja Andonohu, even though he was still in Kendari, because he was visiting the Kendari-Toronipa tourist road construction project. The 14.6 Km road project is considered to be very strategic because it opens the connectivity path of the provincial capital city with natural attractions and beaches in the Toronipa region.
Menurut Kadis Infokom Sultra, Gubernur Ali Mazi belakangan ini terlihat sangat concern terhadap pengembangan pariwisata. Sebab kegiatan pariwisata dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat. Biaya transportasi, hotel, makan minum dan lain-lain yang dikeluarkan para turis mancanegara dan local, jatuh langsung ke masyarakat.
According to Kadis Infokom Sultra, Governor Ali Mazi recently seemed very concerned about the development of tourism. Because tourism activities can encourage economic growth in the community. The cost of transportation, hotels, food and beverages, etc. that are expended by foreign and local tourists, fall directly to the community.
Terkait kegiatan DPRD seperti sidang pleno, acara tersebut dapat dihadiri Wakil Gubernur Lukman Abunawas. Kehadiran wakil gubernur telah mewakili pimpinan eksekutif, tanpa kehadiran gubernur. Baik sidang pleno maupun penandatanganan suatu perda yang dilakukan wakil gubernur, dipandang sah sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan.
Related to DPRD activities such as plenary sessions, the event can be attended by Deputy Governor Lukman Abunawas. The presence of the deputy governor has represented the chief executive, without the presence of the governor. Both the plenary session and the signing of a local regulation conducted by the deputy governor, are considered valid according to statutory provisions.
Keberadaan lembaga wakil gubernur adalah dalam rangka menggantikan posisi gubernur bila yang disebut terakhir berhalangan. Secara historis dihidupkannya kembali lembaga wakil gubernur di era Orde Baru merupakan prakarsa Inspektur Jenderal Departemen Dalam Negeri H Eddy Sabara.
The existence of the deputy governor’s institution is in the context of replacing the position of governor if the latter is absent. Historically the revival of the deputy governor’s institution in the New Order era was an initiative of Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs H Eddy Sabara.
Munculnya inisiatif tersebut didasarkan pengalaman Eddy Sabara sendiri ketika menjabat gubernur di bebarapa provinsi, termasuk di Sultra selama lebih dari dua periode. Eddy Sabara sering menghadapi situasi sulit akibat tidak adanya figur pengganti bila dia berhalangan hadir untuk menandatangani suatu perda di depan sidang pleno DPRD, termasuk RAPBD menjadi Perda APBD.
The emergence of this initiative is based on Eddy Sabara’s own experience when he served as governor in several provinces, including in Southeast Sulawesi for more than two periods. Eddy Sabara often faces a difficult situation due to the absence of a replacement figure if he is unable to attend to sign a regional regulation in front of the DPRD plenary session, including the RAPBD to become the APBD Regional Regulation.
Sebelumnya, di masa Orde Lama lembaga wakil gubernur sudah eksis. Di Sultra sendiri, wakil gubernur di era tersebut dijabat Jakub Silondae. Setelah masa jabatan Jakub Silondae selama 5 tahun berakhir, Sultra dan provinsi lainnya di Indonesia tidak punya wakil gubernur hingga muncul prakarsa Eddy Sabara selaku Irjen Depdagri di era kepemimpina Amir Machmud sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri.
Previously, in the Old Order era, the deputy governor’s institution already existed. In Southeast Sulawesi itself, the deputy governor of that era was Jakub Silondae. After Jakub Silondae’s tenure for 5 years ended, Southeast Sulawesi and other provinces in Indonesia did not have a deputy governor until Eddy Sabara’s initiative as Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the leadership era of Amir Machmud as Minister of the Interior.***