Pj Sekda Sultra Gelar Ngoki Bersama OPD, Sesi 1

Pj Sekda Sultra Gelar Ngoki Bersama OPD, Sesi 1

Acting Regional Secretary of Southeast Sulawesi Holds Ngoki with OPD, Session 1

Diharapkan, Seluruh Unsur Pimpinan Organisasi Pimpinan Daerh (OPD) Lingkup Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) untuk meningkatkn Kinerja, baik dalam peningkatan pelayann masyarakat maupun dalam peningkatan administrasi di dinasnya di tahun 2020 ini.

Iklan Pemkot Baubau

It is expected that all elements of the Daerh Leadership Organization (OPD) of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government (Sultra) Scope to improve performance, both in increasing community service and in improving administration in their offices in 2020.

Hal ini diungkpkn Pelaksana Jabatan (Pj) Sekertaris Provinsi (Sekprov) Sultra La Ode Ahmad Pidana Balombo saat acara Ngobrol Kinerja (Ngoki) bersama seluruh Staf Ahli, Asisten dan Organisasi Pemerintah Daerah (OPD) lingkup Pemprov Sultra, di salah satu warung kopi (Warkop) di Kendari, Kamis (2/1/2020).

This was revealed by the Acting Secretary (Pj) of the Provincial Secretary (Sekprov) Sultra La Ode Ahmad Balombo Criminal during the Performance Chat (Ngoki) event with all Expert Staff, Assistant and Local Government Organizations (OPD) in the scope of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government, in one coffee shop (Warkop) ) in Kendari, Thursday (2/1/2020).

“Ini izin Gubernur Sultra, bapak Ali Mazi, saya mengadakan kegiatan ini bersama para pimpinan atau pejabat lingkup Pemprov Sultra bertujuan agar kegiatan ini tak lain untuk meningkatkan silahturahmi unsur pimpinan dinas di lingkup Pemprov,”ujar pejabat dari kementerian itu.

“This is the permission of the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, Mr. Ali Mazi, I held this activity with the leaders or officials of the Southeast Sulawesi provincial government in order that this activity is nothing but to increase the friendship of the leadership elements of the department in the provincial government,” said an official from the ministry.

Kata dia, Ngoki merupakan wadah untuk mengingatkan kepada seluruh OPD agar selalu meningkatkan kinerja yang berintegritas, loyalitas, akuntabiltas, Transparan, berinovasi, kreatif guna terwujudnya, Sultra yang berdaya saing,”paparnya.

He said, Ngoki is a forum to remind all OPDs to always improve performance with integrity, loyalty, accountability, transparency, innovation, creativity in order to realize, a competent Southeast Sulawesi, “he explained.

La Ode Ahmad Pidana Balombo selaku Direktur Ormas Ditjen Politik dan Pemerintahan Umum Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) yang dipercayakan menjadi Pj Sekprov Sultra mengatakan, kegiatan ini bertema “Ngoki” bakal menjadi kegiatan rutin bagi para pimpanan OPD lingkup Pemprov Sultra.

La Ode Ahmad Pidana Balombo as Director of Social Organizations Directorate General of Politics and Public Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ministry of Home Affairs) entrusted to Acting Regional Secretary of Southeast Sulawesi said, this activity with the theme “Ngoki” would become a routine activity for OPD depositors in the scope of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government.

“Kita akan dilaksanakan secara rutin setiap minggu secara bergiliran masing – masing pimpinan OPD,”imbuhnya.

“We will be held routinely every week in turn each of the OPD leaders,” he added.

Acara tersebut dihadiri seluruh unsur pimpinan OPD lingkup Provinsi Sultra. Diharapkan, Ngoki berikutnya dapat diselenggarakan oleh pimpinan Dinas Perhubungan Sultra.

The event was attended by all elements of the OPD leadership in the Southeast Sulawesi Province. It is hoped that the next Ngoki can be held by the head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office.