Oknum TNI AL Berencana Polisikan Pimpinan Ponpes di Kolaka

Oknum TNI AL Berencana Polisikan Pimpinan Ponpes di Kolaka
Oknum TNI AL Berencana Polisikan Pimpinan Ponpes di Kolaka

Indonesian Navy Plans to Policise Ponpes Leaders in Kolaka

Setelah diunggah ke media sosial video keributan antara oknum anggota TNI AL dengan pimpinan Ponpes (Ponpes), Ihya Assunnah, Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) pada Kamis siang 09 Januari 2019 kemarin seketika menjadi viral.

Iklan Viki DPRD Sultra

After being uploaded to the social media, the video of a commotion between members of the Indonesian Navy and the leaders of the Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Ihya Assunnah, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi (Southeast Sulawesi) on Thursday afternoon, January 9, 2019, yesterday went viral immediately.

Video tercatat dibagikan sebanyak tiga ribu kali oleh pengguna sosial media (facebook.com).

Videos recorded were shared three thousand times by users of social media (facebook.com).

Dalam postingan akun facebook Abbas Abu Firanda Andirja, video diunggah dengan keterangan, “Arogansi oknum anggota TNI AL yang telah mengintimidasi, menodongkan pistol dan senjata tajam kepada Ustad Muh. Mustamin pimpinan Ponpes Ihya Assunnah Kolaka.

In the posting of Abbas Abu Firanda Andirja’s Facebook account, the video was uploaded with the statement, “The arrogance of unscrupulous members of the Indonesian Navy who had intimidated, pointed their guns and sharp weapons at Ustad Muh. Mustamin, leader of the Islamic Boarding School, Ihya Assunnah Kolaka.

Merasa keberatan dengan postingan di akun facebook.com itu, anggota Marinir Letkol Ahmad Faisal langsung memberikan mengklarifikasi yang dimediasi oleh Polres Kolaka.

Feeling objected to the posting on the facebook.com account, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Faisal immediately gave a clarification mediated by the Kolaka Regional Police.

Berikut videonya

Here is the video


Menurut Ahmad Faisal menjelaskan, tujuan dirinya menemui Ustda Muh. Mustamin untuk menemani orang tuanya, H. Mardin More untuk meminta sertifikat atas lahan seluas 7015 meter persegi.

According to Ahmad Faisal, his purpose was to meet Ustda Muh. Mustamin to accompany his parents, H. Mardin More to ask for certificates on 7015 square meters of land.

Pasalnya, orang tuanya H. Mardin More bersengketa dengan Ustad Muh. Mustamin atas lahan itu sejak 2013 lalu.

The reason, his parents H. Mardin More disputed with Ustad Muh. Mustamin for that land since 2013.

Sedangkan sertifikasinya dipegang oleh pimpinan Ponpes dan tak pernah dikembalikan.

While the certification is held by the leadership of Ponpes and has never been returned.

Saat pertemuan, Letkol Ahmad Faisal diketahui menggunakan pakaian Dinas lengkap, namun ia tidak menodongkan pistol dan senjata tajam kepada ustad Muh. Mustamin.

During the meeting, Lt. Col. Ahmad Faisal was known to wear complete Dinas attire, but he did not point a gun and sharp weapon at the cleric Muh. Mustamin.

Karena pada saat itu Letkol Ahmad Faisal meletakkan pistol dangan sangkurnya, kemudian diamankan oleh orang tuanya.

Because at that time Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Faisal put his pistol with his bayonet, then secured by his parents.

“Adanya suara tembakan di pos TNI AL Kolaka merupakan suara mercun anak – anak yang bermain di sekitar pos, bukan suara letusan senjata ap,”terang Ahmad Faisal.

“The sound of gunfire at the Navy AL Kolaka post is the sound of mercun children playing around the post, not the sound of gunfire,” explained Ahmad Faisal.

Akibat postingan di akun facebook.com, Ahmad Faisal merasa dicemarkan namanya, baik secara pribadi maupun secara institusi.

As a result of posting on the facebook.com account, Ahmad Faisal felt defamed, both personally and institutionally.

Olehnya itu, Ahmad Faisal berencana melaporkan pimpinan Ponpes dan pemilik akun facebook.com yang telah mengunggah video tersebut.

Therefore, Ahmad Faisal plans to report the leadership of the Islamic Boarding School and facebook.com account owner who uploaded the video.