Tim Elang dan Anti Bandit Bekuk Pelaku Curnik di Kolaka

Tim Elang dan Anti Bandit Bekuk Pelaku Curnik di Kolaka
Polisi saat memperlihatkan tersangka dan barang bukti curnik
The police when showing suspects and evidence was defective FOTO: AS LAN

The Elang and Anti-Bandit Team Captured the Perpetual Offenders in Kolaka

Tim Macan Unit Reskrim Polsek Pomalaa bersama Tim Elang Anti Bandit Polres Kolaka berhasil menangkap 2 orang pelaku pencurian barang elektronik (Curnik) yang terjadi di kecamatan Pomalaa, kabupaten Kolaka, Sabtu 11 Januari 2020.

Iklan Viki DPRD Sultra

The Tigala Police Unit Criminal Unit Tiger Team together with the Elaka Anti Bandit Police Elang Team succeeded in arresting 2 perpetrators of theft of electronic goods (Curnik) that occurred in Pomalaa sub-district, Kolaka district, Saturday 11 January 2020.

Selain mengamankan 2 orang pelaku pencurian, polisi juga mengamankan 1 orang sebagai penadah. Satu orang lainnya juga ikut terlibat, namun masih buron.

Besides securing 2 perpetrators of theft, the police also secured 1 person as a host. One other person was also involved, but was still at large.

Syahril dan Fadil, masing-maing warga kelurahan Anaiwoi, kecamatan Tanggetada yang merupakan residivis kasus pencurian barang elektronik tidak bisa berkutik saat diamankan Tim Macan Unit Reskrim Polsek Pomalaa bersama Tim Elang Anti Bandit Polres Kolaka.

Syahril and Fadil, respectively Anaiwoi ward residents, Tanggetada sub-district which is a recidivist in the case of theft of electronic goods cannot do anything when secured by the Tiger Team of the Pomalaa Police Criminal Unit together with the Elang Anti Bandit Team of the Kolaka Regional Police.

Penangkapan terhadap kedua residivis tersebut atas kasus pencurian 4 unit Hanbdphone pada malam hari di rumah milik Nurlina, warga kelurahan Dawi-dawi, kecamatan Pomalaa, kabupaten Kolaka pada 29 Desember 2019 lalu.

The arrest of the two recidivists over the theft of 4 Hanbdphone units at night in the house owned by Nurlina, a resident of the Dawi-dawi sub-district, Pomalaa sub-district, Kolaka district on 29 December 2019.

Selain menangkap 2 orang pelaku pencurian Hp, polisi juga menangkap Buhiran yang berperan sebagai penadah barang hasil curian.

In addition to arresting 2 people who had stolen his cellphone, the police also arrested Buhiran, who acted as a container for stolen goods.

Dari tangan ketinganya polisi berhasil mengamankan 2 unit Hp hasil curian, sementara 1 orang yang ikut terlibat dalam kasus pencurian berinial D masih dalam pengejaran polisi.

From his hands the police succeeded in securing 2 units of stolen cellphone, while 1 person who was involved in the theft case with initial D was still in the pursuit of the police.

Kapolsek Pomalaa, AKP Susanto mengatakan, ketiga tersangka masuk ke dalam rumah milik Nurlina pada pukul 02.00 wita dini hari, dengan mencungkil dan mendorong pintu pada bagian belakang.

Pomalaa police chief, AKP Susanto said the three suspects entered Nurlina’s house at 2:00 a.m. in the morning, gouging out and pushing the door at the back.

Usai menjalankan aksinya dengan mengambil 4 unit Hp, pelaku kemudian bersembunyi di kecamatan Anaiwoi dan menjual 2 unit Hp ke seorang penadah bernama Buhiran.

After carrying out the action by taking 4 cellphone units, the perpetrators then hid in the Anaiwoi sub-district and sold 2 cellphone units to a nanny named Buhiran.

Atas kejadian tersebut korban mengalami kerugian sekitar Rp. 5 juta. sementara dua tersangka dan seorang penada barang curian telah diamankan di Polsek Pomalaa guna penyelidikan lebih lanjut.

For this incident the victim suffered a loss of around Rp. 5 million. while two suspects and a stolen object have been secured at the Pomalaa police station for further investigation.

“Untuk mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya dua tersangka dijerat dengan pasal 363 tentang pencurian, serta 1 orang penadah dijerat dengan pasal 480 / dengan ancaman hukuman masing-masing 5 tahun penjara,”tegas Susanto.

“To account for his actions, two suspects were charged under article 363 regarding theft, and 1 detainee was charged under article 480 / with the threat of a sentence of 5 years each,” Susanto said.