Basarnas TEAM combined when pulled over on one of the beaches in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi FOTO: ISTIMEWA
Third Day of Search, Batauga Fishermen Not Yet Found
Pencarian terhadap La Ode Samiun (60), nelayan asal Batauga Kabupaten Buton Selatan belum membuahkan hasil.
The search for La Ode Samiun (60), a fisherman from Batauga, South Buton Regency has not produced results.
Padahal, warga Buton Selatan ini dinyatakan hilang sejak tiga hari yang lalu.
In fact, the South Buton resident was declared missing since three days ago.
Humas Basarnas Kendari Wahyudi menyatakan, hingga pukul 18.00 wita, Minggu (19/1/2020), pencarian hasilnya nihil.
Basarnas Public Relations Kendari Wahyudi said, until 6:00 pm on Sunday (1/19/2020), the results were zero.
“Tim SAR Gabungan menghentikan sementara pencarian hari ke- 3 terhadap Laode Samiun,” kata Wahyudi dalam pesan Whatsappnya.
“The Joint SAR Team temporarily suspended the 3rd day search for Laode Samiun,” Wahyudi said in his Whatsapp message.
Ia menyebut, tim SAR gabungan telah menyisir sepanjang laut di perairan Batauga dan Pulau Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan itu.
He said the combined SAR team had combed along the sea in the waters of Batauga and Siompu Island, South Buton Regency.
“Cuaca cerah dengan ketinggian ombak kurang lebih 50 cm,” tuturnya.
“The weather is sunny with the wave height of approximately 50 cm,” he said.
Ia menyebut, operasi SAR akan dilanjutkan besok pagi pada pukul 06.00 WITA.
He said, SAR operations will resume tomorrow morning at 06.00 WITA.
Dalam pencarian ini, unsure terlibat, Rescuer Pos SAR Baubau 7 orang, Polsek Batauga 5 orang, BPBD Buton Selatan 15 orang, Koramil Batauga 6 orang, Brimob 10 orang, Dinas Sosial Buton Selatan 14 orang, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Busel 4 orang, Dinas Kominfo Busel 2 orang, Dinas Perhubungan Busel 2 orang.
In this search, elements were involved, Rescuer of SAR Post of Baubau 7 people, Batauga Police Station 5 people, BPBD South Buton 15 people, Batauga Koramil 6 people, Brimob 10 people, South Buton Social Service 14 people, Busel Marine and Fisheries Service 4 people, Dinas Busel Kominfo 2 people, Busel Transportation Agency 2 people.
Alut yang digunakan dalam pencarian, RIB Basarnas Kendari, Rubber Boat Basarnas Kendari, Speed Boat BPBD Busel
The tools used in the search were Kendari Basarnas RIB, Kendari Basarnas Rubber Boat, BPBD Busel Speed Boat
Tim Redaksi