Jalan Akses Lakologou di Baubau

Jalan Akses Lakologou di Baubau
Jalan akses terminal Lakologou ke pelabuhan Murhum Baubau. Sebagian telah diuruk untuk membentuk badan jalan namun masih banyak yang belum diuruk
Lakologou terminal access road to Murhum Baubau port. Some have been diuruk to form a road but there are still many who have not diuruk

Lakologou Access Road in Baubau

PROGRAM Dinas Perhubungan Sultra terkait pembangunan jalan akses dari terminal B Lakologou ke pelabuhan Murhum (4 Km) Baubau terpaksa jalan di tempat karena kesulitan anggaran. APBD Provinsi dalam tahun ini pun belum menyediakan porsi anggaran untuk keperluan penyiapan jalan akses tersebut.

Iklan ARS

PROGRAMS The Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office related to the construction of an access road from the Lakologou B terminal to the Murhum port (4 Km) Baubau was forced to walk in place due to budgetary constraints. The provincial budget has not yet provided a portion of the budget for the preparation of the access road.

Kondisi terminal Lakologou sendiri baru tahap selesai pematangan lahan urukan pantai Lakologou. Penyiapan itu dilakukan di era Walikota Amirul Tamim. Sedangkan konstruksi fisik belum dimulai sama sekali.

The condition of the Lakologou terminal itself has just finished the maturation of the Lakologou beach fill land. The preparation was carried out in the era of Mayor Amirul Tamim. While physical construction has not begun at all.

Pembangunan terminal tipe B merupakan kewenangan provinsi, dan pelaksana teknisnya adalah Dinas Perhubungan. Adapun terminal tipe A ditangani pemerintah pusat yakni Kementerian Perhubungan.

The construction of the type B terminal is the province’s authority, and the technical implementer is the Transportation Office. The type A terminal is handled by the central government, namely the Ministry of Transportation.

Untuk mengatur arus kendaraan angkutan umum yang masuk kota Baubau, Dinas Perhubungan Sultra membangun rest area Waramosiu, yang lokasinya terletak antara Lakologou dan Pelabuhan Murhum.

To regulate the flow of public transport vehicles entering the city of Baubau, the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office built the Waramosiu rest area, which is located between Lakologou and the Murhum Port.

Sambil menunggu selesainya pembangunan Lakologou, rest area ini difungsikan sebagai terminal. Penyiapan rest area ini dilakukan di sisa masa jabatan Nur Alam sebagai Gubernur Sultra. Di situ akan dibangun ruang tunggu penumpang, kios-kios aneka kebutuhan kecil. Fasilitas yang telah tersedia saat ini adalah sentra kuliner.

While waiting for the completion of Lakologou construction, this rest area will function as a terminal. The preparation of this rest area is carried out in the remaining period of Nur Alam’s tenure as Southeast Sulawesi Governor. There will be built a passenger waiting room, stalls of various small needs. The facilities that are available now are culinary centers.

Karena terletak di dalam kota, sentra kuliner di rest area Waramosiu tidak hanya melayani para penumpang yang turun dan naik di situ tetapi area kuliner ini juga dikunjungi banyak warga Kota Baubau sebagai obyek wisata kuliner.

Because it is located in the city, the culinary center in the Waramosiu rest area not only serves passengers who get off and ride there, but this culinary area is also visited by many residents of the City of Baubau as a culinary tourist attraction.

Komitmen Nur Alam terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi dinilai sangat kuat. Sebab transportasi diakui amat vital dalam melancarkan roda perekonomian dan mobilitas orang. Karena itu dia mendukung setiap program pembangunan infrastruktur yang diajukan Hado Hasina, Kadis Perhubungan Sultra. Artinya, Gubernur Nur Alam menyediakan porsi anggaran bagi pembangunan infrastruktur tersebut.

Nur Alam’s commitment to the development of transportation infrastructure is considered to be very strong. Because transportation is recognized as vital in launching the wheels of the economy and the mobility of people. Therefore, he supports every infrastructure development program proposed by Hado Hasina, Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office. That is, Governor Nur Alam provides a portion of the budget for infrastructure development.

Pembangunan pelabuhan penyeberangan kapal feri di Amolengu dan Labuan merupakan usulan Gubernur Sultra Nur Alam (waktu itu). Kedua pelabuhan itu menyatukan Pulau Buton dengan daratan besar jazirah Sultra. “Kedua pelabuhan feri tersebut tak mungkin ada jika tidak diusulkan Pak Nur Alam,” kata Hado Hasina.

The construction of the ferry crossing ports in Amolengu and Labuan was proposed by the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Nur Alam (at that time). The two ports unite Buton Island with the vast land of the Southeast Sulawesi peninsula. “The two ferry ports could not have existed if Pak Nur Alam had not proposed,” said Hado Hasina.

Setelah ditunjuk sebagai Kadis Perhubungan Sultra pertengahan tahun 2016, Hado Hasina menyusun program pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi. Prioritasnya adalah pembangunan  terminal tipe B. Dia menargetkan pembangunan 17  terminal, dan saat ini telah terealisasi 14 terminal. Sebelumnya,   penyediaan infrastruktur transportasi belum pernah diwacanakan.

After being appointed as the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office in mid 2016, Hado Hasina developed a transportation infrastructure development program. The priority is the construction of type B terminals. He targets the construction of 17 terminals, and currently 14 terminals have been realized. Previously, the provision of transportation infrastructure had never been discussed.

Keberadaan terminal-terminal tersebut telah kelihatan hasilnya sebagai sumber pandapatan asli daerah (PAD) provinsi. Tidak heran jika PAD dari sektor perhubungan terus meningkat. Pada tahun 2016 setoran ke kas Pemda Sultra tercatat sekitar Rp 4 miliar. Lalu tahun 2017 meningkat menjadi Rp 6 miliar, tahun 2019 menjadi Rp 10 miliar, dan tahun 2019 adalah Rp 12 miliar.

The existence of these terminals has seen the results as a source of provincial native revenue (PAD). No wonder the PAD from the transportation sector continues to increase. In 2016 the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Government’s cash deposit was around Rp 4 billion. Then in 2017 it increased to IDR 6 billion, in 2019 it would be IDR 10 billion, and in 2019 it would be IDR 12 billion.

Hado Hasina dinilai kreatif mengelola Dinas Perhubungan agar lebih produktif, bukan saja menciptakan kecepatan dan efisiensi arus barang dan orang melainkan juga penguatan APBD dan menggerakan perekonomian masyarakat. Hampir di setiap terminal darat maupun laut, dia membangun kawasan komersial. Kawasan ini diisi kegiatan ekonomi warga setempat, seperti usaha kuliner.   Orang tak perlu khawatir kelaparan dalam perjalanan karena di setiap terminal terdapat sentra kuliner.

Hado Hasina is considered creative in managing the Department of Transportation to be more productive, not only creating speed and efficiency of the flow of goods and people but also strengthening the regional budget and moving the community’s economy. In almost every land and sea terminal, he built commercial areas. This area is filled with local economic activities, such as culinary business. People don’t need to worry about starving on the journey because in every terminal there is a culinary center.

Salah satu contoh aktual hasil kreasi  Hado adalah pembangunan kawasan komersial di pelabuhan Bungkutoko. Dia berencana menguruk laut di situ sekitar 3-5 hektar. Namun baru tertimbun satu hektar sudah dikontrak pengusaha dari Jakarta selama 5 tahun untuk lokasi perkantoran, gudang, dll. Nilai kontraknya Rp 350 juta per tahun. Kontrak tahun pertama telah dibayar ke Pemprov Sultra bulan November 2019.

One actual example of Hado’s creation is the development of a commercial area in the port of Bungkutoko. He plans to bury the sea there around 3-5 hectares. But only one hectare has been contracted by a businessman from Jakarta for 5 years for office locations, warehouses, etc. The contract value is IDR 350 million per year. The first year contract was paid to the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government in November 2019.

Secara tidak langsung program kawasan komersial ikut mendukung pariwisata. Sebab fasilitas yang mutlak tersedia di destinasi wisata adalah makanan. Menurut sebuah hasil penelitian, sekitar 40 sampai 50 persen biaya perjalanan turis digunakan untuk kuliner.

Indirectly the commercial area program is supporting tourism. Because the absolute facilities available at tourist destinations are food. According to a research result, around 40 to 50 percent of tourist travel costs are used for culinary.

Pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi berupa terminal tipe B dan akses jalan ke pelabuhan Murhum dengan sendirinya akan semakin menguatkan pesona Kota  Baubau sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata di Sultra.

The development of transportation infrastructure in the form of a type B terminal and access road to Murhum port will automatically strengthen the charm of Baubau City as one of the tourist destinations in Southeast Sulawesi.

Jalan akses itu akan berbentuk semacam sabuk di pantai yang  akan semakin mempercantik Kota Baubau dilihat dari laut Teluk Baubau yang indah. Keindahan teluk ini dipuji Jan Pieterszoon  Coen ketika berkunjung ke Buton di awal abad ke-17. Perihal  keindahan Teluk Baubau disampaikan Coen kepada pimpinan VOC (Vereenigde Oostindiche Compagnie) di Banten. VOC ini menjadi cikal bakal pemerintahan Hindia Belanda yang dibentuk setelah Netherland memastikan memiliki kekuatan ekonomi dan militer untuk menguasai (menjajah) negeri di mana VOC beroperasi yakni di Nusantara.

The access road will be shaped like a belt on the beach which will further beautify the City of Baubau as seen from the beautiful sea of ​​Baubau Bay. The beauty of the bay was praised by Jan Pieterszoon Coen when visiting Buton in the early 17th century. Coen told the beauty of the Baubau Bay to the leadership of the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindiche Compagnie) in Banten. This VOC became the forerunner of the Dutch East Indies government which was formed after the Netherland ensured it had economic and military power to dominate (colonize) the country where the VOC operated, namely in the archipelago.

Maka pembangunan Kota Baubau sebagai destinasi wisata tidak bersifat dadakan. Moral dan budaya Buton sudah sejak lama bersinggungan dengan dunia luar. Karena itu, Dinas Perhubungan Sultra tidak ragu mendukung Baubau sebagai kota wisata.

So the development of the City of Baubau as a tourist destination is not impromptu. Buton’s morals and culture have long been in contact with the outside world. Therefore, the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office does not hesitate to support Baubau as a tourist city.

Masih di kawasan calon terminal Lakologou, terdapat air terjun Tirta Rimba, hanya beberapa ratus meter dari as jalan poros Baubau-Labuan (pelabuhan feri). Di depan mulut jalan masuk air terjun, ada lahan sekitar 5 hektar yang terhampar hingga ke lokasi jalan akses Lakologou-Murhum. Lahan ini oleh Hado dijadikan semacam taman kota yang disebutnya vocal point.

Still in the prospective Lakologou terminal area, there is the Tirta Rimba waterfall, only a few hundred meters from the axis of the Baubau-Labuan shaft (ferry port). In front of the mouth of the waterfall entrance, there is a land of around 5 hectares which extends to the location of the Lakologou-Murhum access road. This land was used by Hado as a kind of city park which he called a vocal point.

Dari “taman” itu dibuat undakan penurunan ke jalan akses tadi. Maka area ini (taman), air terjun, terminal serta jalan akses Murhum  merupakan kesatuan obyek wisata yang kian memperkaya daya tarik Kota Baubau.

From the “park” it was made a step down to the access road earlier. So this area (parks), waterfalls, terminals and Murhum access roads are a unity of tourist attractions that increasingly enrich the attraction of the City of Baubau.From the “park” it was made a step down to the access road earlier. So this area (parks), waterfalls, terminals and Murhum access roads are a unity of tourist attractions that increasingly enrich the attraction of the City of Baubau.

Ketika Hado mendapat tugas tambahan sebagai Pj Walikota Baubau, dia “renovasi” obyek wisata Pantai Nirwana. Obyek ini dibuka Arifin Soegianto ketika menjabat Bupati Buton di awal Orde Baru.

When Hado got an additional assignment as Acting Mayor of Baubau, he “renovated” the Nirwana Beach tourism object. This object was opened by Arifin Soegianto when he was the Regent of Buton at the beginning of the New Order.

Pj Walikota membangun homestay, vila, dan fasilitas lain yang membuat warga Baubau memiliki banyak pilihan untuk berekreasi. Beberapa ratus meter dari area wisata Pantai Nirwana oleh Hado sebagai Kadis Perhubungan Sultra telah membangun rest area sekalipun fasilitasnya belum sebaik Waramosiu.

The Acting Mayor builds homestays, villas, and other facilities that make Baubau residents have many choices for recreation. A few hundred meters from the Nirwana Beach tourism area by Hado as the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office, has built a rest area even though the facilities are not as good as Waramosiu.

Waramosiu pun masih membutuhkan kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana seperti bangunan ruang tunggu penumpang, penyediaan air bersih, dan sebagainya. Persoalannya  ya itu tadi, Pemprov Sultra saat ini kurang tertarik terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi. Sikap ini sangat ironis sebab pembangunan tersebut merupakan investasi untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak pemasukan untuk PAD.

Waramosiu still needs complete facilities and infrastructure such as passenger waiting room buildings, water supply, and so on. The problem is, the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government is currently not interested in the development of transportation infrastructure. This attitude is very ironic because the development is an investment to generate more income for PAD.

Masih terkait dengan pariwisata, Pj Walikota Baubau Hado Hasina membuat sentra kerajinan tenun kain Buton di Kelurahan Sulaa menjadi perkampungan warna warni. Dia bekerja sama dengan pabrik cat glotex Pasific Paint. Sentra kerajinan itu mendadak terkenal, yang membuat para perajin tenun tradisional kewalahan menerima order.

Still related to tourism, Acting Mayor of Baubau Hado Hasina has made Buton fabric weaving centers in Sulaa Village to be a colorful village. He collaborated with the Glotex Pacific Paint factory. The craft center was suddenly famous, which overwhelmed traditional weavers in accepting orders.

Sebagai Kadis Perhubungan Sultra yang menjadi Pj Walikota Baubau selama kurang lebih 8 bulan, Hado Hasina tentu tidak lupa menata sistem transportasi Kota Baubau. Fisik kota pelabuhan Kesultanan Buton di masa lalu, itu memang agak sempit karena  tanahnya bergelombang di kaki bukit. Tetapi kotanya makin terasa sempit lagi  akibat lalu lintas kendaraannya semrawut.

As the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office as the Acting Mayor of Baubau for approximately 8 months, Hado Hasina certainly did not forget to organize the transportation system of the City of Baubau. Physical port city of the Sultanate of Buton in the past, it was rather narrow because the land is bumpy at the foot of the hill. But the city feels increasingly cramped again due to chaotic vehicle traffic.

Salah satu kebijakan yang diambil Pj adalah memberlakukan jalan satu arah di ruas-ruas yang lalu lintasnya padat. Antara lain seperti Jl Kartini dan satu lagi jalan di depan Pasar Nugraha Baubau.

One of the policies adopted by the Act was to impose one-way streets on sections with heavy traffic. Among others, such as Jl Kartini and another road in front of the Baubau Nugraha Market.

Dia juga sempat menabrak Presiden Jokowi saat menghadiri pertemuan walikota se-Indonesia di Istana Bogor. Hado  minta bantuan armada bus untuk mengurangi beban kesemrawutan Kota Baubau. Presiden  menjanjikan 10 unit bus, namun realisasinya hanya 5 unit.

He also had crashed into President Jokowi while attending a meeting of Indonesian mayors at the Bogor Palace. Hado asked for help from the bus fleet to reduce the chaotic burden of the City of Baubau. The president promised 10 bus units, but the realization was only 5 units.

Penggunaan alat angkutan umum oleh warga kota merupakan kearifan untuk mengurangi kepadatan dan kemacetan lalu lintas. Alat angkutan umum berkapasitas penumpang lebih banyak seperti bus merupakan salah satu solusi kesemrawutan.

The use of public transportation by the citizens of the city is a wisdom to reduce traffic congestion and congestion. Public transportation facilities with more passenger capacity such as buses are one of the chaotic solutions.

Oleh sebab itu Hado Hasina menyampaikan harapannya agar bus bantuan Presiden itu dimanfaatkan sesuai tujuannya yaitu difungsikan sebagai alat angkutan warga Kota Baubau dalam rangka mengurangi penggunaan mobil pribadi. Bus yang 5 unit itu jika dikelola secara profesional oleh suatu badan usaha, bakal beranak pinak.

Therefore, Hado Hasina expressed his hope that the President’s assistance bus would be used according to its purpose, which was to function as a transportation tool for the citizens of Baubau City in order to reduce the use of private cars. The 5-unit bus, if managed professionally by a business entity, will have children.

“Jangan digunakan mengangkut pejabat tetapi dimanfaatkan untuk rakyat”, ujarnya.

“Do not be used to transport officials but to be used for the people,” he said. ***