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RS Bahteramas Harus Utamakan Pelayanan


RS Bahteramas Harus Utamakan Pelayanan

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RS Bahteramas Harus Utamakan Pelayanan

PERTEMUAN mingguan dalam rangka ngobrol kinerja (Ngoki) para kepala OPD Provinsi Sultra di RS Bahteramas benar-benar terasa rileks, santai, ceria. Pasalnya, Ngoki 3 menampilkan Musrifa (Rifa) menyumbangkan suaranya. Rifa, (18), mahasiswa Universitas Haluoleo akan tampil di Indosiar Senin malam, 20 Januari 2020, sebagai peserta LIDA Indonesia utusan Sultra.

The weekly MEETING in the framework of chatting performance (Ngoki) the heads of the Southeast Sulawesi Province OPD at the Bahteramas Hospital really feels relaxed, relaxed, cheerful. The reason, Ngoki 3 featuring Musrifa (Rifa) contributed his voice. Rifa, (18), a student of Haluoleo University will perform at Indosiar Monday night, January 20, 2020, as a participant of the Southeast Sulawesi delegation LIDA Indonesia.

Hampir seratusan peserta Ngoki 3, termasuk staf RS Bahteramas ikut bergoyang mengikuti irama musik yang mengiringi calon penyanyi dangdut versi Indosiar tersebut. Sejauh ini Sultra telah memasok penyanyi dangdut berbakat, Fildan. Fildan telah berkibar bukan saja di tingkat nasional melainkan juga di Asia melalui program Indosiar (TV swasta).

Nearly one hundred Ngoki 3 participants, including Bahteramas Hospital staff, swayed to the music that accompanied the Indosiar version of the dangdut singer. So far Sultra has supplied talented dangdut singer, Fildan. Fildan has been flying not only at the national level but also in Asia through the Indosiar (private TV) program.

Apakah Rifa akan mampu mengikuti jejak Fildan, minimal di tiga besar pada final LIDA Indonesia Indosiar nanti, perihal itu akan sangat tergantung dukungan publik, terutama dari Sultra. Rifa seusai menghibur peserta Ngoki 3 menyampaikan harapannya agar masyarakat Sultra mendukungnya melalui SMS mulai penampilan pertama pada Senin malam minggu depan.

Whether Rifa will be able to follow in the footsteps of Fildan, at least in the top three at the final of Indosiar’s Indonesian LIDA later, regarding that it will highly depend on public support, especially from Southeast Sulawesi. Rifa after entertaining the Ngoki 3 participants expressed their hopes that the Southeast Sulawesi people would support him by texting from their first appearance on Monday night next week.

Suasana makin panas ketika secara spontan Kadis Dikbud Sultra Asrun Lio PhD maju ke depan dan saweran kepada Rifa.  Respons Asrun tentu saja segera diikuti para kepala OPD yang lain.

The atmosphere was getting hotter when spontaneously the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Education and Culture Head Office Asrun Lio PhD came forward and saw Rifa. Asrun’s response, of course, was soon followed by other OPD heads.

Maka Ngoki 3 di Aula Bahteramas dengan tema ‘RS Bahteramas Sebagai Rujukan Penyakit-penyakit  Regional Indonesia Bagian Timur’, tentu saja lebih rileks santai, lebih hangat  dari Ngoki 1 di sebuah rumah kopi di Kendari serta Ngoki 2 di kantor Dinas   Perhubungan Sultra, pekan lalu. Rupanya kegiatan ini bersifat mingguan. Semula saya kira sekali sebulan.

So Ngoki 3 in the Bahteramas Hall with the theme ‘Bahteramas Hospital as a Reference for Eastern Indonesian Regional Diseases’, of course, more relaxed relaxed, warmer than Ngoki 1 in a coffee house in Kendari and Ngoki 2 in the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office, last week . Apparently this activity is weekly. At first I thought about once a month.

Pj Sekda Prov Sultra La Ode Ahmad Pidana Balombo dinilai kreatif. Belum sebulan menjabat, dia mengadakan pertemuan berkala dengan seluruh kepala OPD Sultra. Pertemuan yang disebutnya ngobrol kinerja (Ngoki) bertujuan memantapkan koordinasi dan penyatuan visi para kepala OPD terhadap setiap program pembangunan Provinsi Sultra.

Acting Regional Secretary of South Sulawesi Province La Ode Ahmad Pidana Balombo was considered creative. Not even a month in office, he held a regular meeting with all heads of Southeast Sulawesi OPD. The meeting he called a performance chat (Ngoki) aimed at strengthening coordination and uniting the vision of the heads of the OPD towards each of the development programs of the Southeast Sulawesi Province.

Dia ingin agar kepala OPD tidak sibuk sendiri dengan urusan masing-masing tetapi harus bersinergi dengan OPD yang lain. Masing-masing OPD berkontribusi terhadap program satu dengan yang lain.

He wants the head of the OPD not to busy himself with each other’s affairs but must work together with other OPDs. Each OPD contributes to one another’s program.

Ketika berbicara di RS Bahteramas, Ahmad menekankan soal pelayanan. “Secanggih apapun peralatan yang dimiliki tanpa pelayanan yang baik, maka rumah sakit tersebut tidak memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan masyarakat”, katanya.

When speaking at the Bahteramas Hospital, Ahmad emphasized the matter of service. “No matter how sophisticated the equipment is without good service, the hospital does not meet the expectations and needs of the community,” he said.

Mengutip Levey dan Loomba, AEP Nurul Hidayah dalam suatu publikasi mengatakan , pelayanan adalah setiap upaya yang diselenggarakan sendiri atau secara bersama-sama dalam suatu organisasi untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan kesehatan, mencegah dan menyembuhkan penyakit serta memulihkan kesehatan perorangan, keluarga atau pun masyarakat.

Quoting Levey and Loomba, AEP Nurul Hidayah in a publication said that service is any effort that is carried out alone or together in an organization to maintain and improve health, prevent and cure diseases and restore the health of individuals, families or communities.

Adapun Kadis Perhubungan Sultra Hado Hasina pada kesempatan tersebut juga mengutip pendapat dr Terawan, Menteri Kesehatan Jilid II Presiden Widodo, dengan mengatakan, gedung rumah sakit yang dibangun makin banyak, pasien makin hari makin banyak. Padahal, dalam kondisi seperti itu seharusnya pasien makin hari makin sedikit.

As for the Head of Transportation, Southeast Sulawesi, Hado Hasina, on that occasion also quoted the opinion of Dr. Terawan, Minister of Health Volume II President Widodo, by saying, more and more hospital buildings were being built, more and more patients. In fact, in such conditions the patient should be getting fewer and fewer.

Hado melanjutkan, penderita kanker dioperasi, radioterapi, kemoterapi. Tapi tiga bulan kemudian pasien itu mati. (Keluarganya) bahkan bangkrut melarat. Andai tidak masuk rumah sakit malah bisa hidup 2 tahun, bahkan bisa lebih lama. Apakah itu prestasi medis atau justru hal yang menyedihkan.

Hado continued, cancer patients operated on, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. But three months later the patient died. (His family) even went bankrupt. If you don’t go to the hospital, you can live for 2 years or even longer. Is that a medical achievement or even a sad thing.

Pengeluaran besar untuk perawatan di rumah sakit, sebetulnya bisa dihindarkan asalkan manusia mengatur mentalitas hidup, berolahraga, ubah kebiasaan buruk, gizi seimbang, perawatan dengan herbal sudah cukup. 

Large expenses for treatment in hospital, actually can be avoided as long as humans regulate mentality of life, exercise, change bad habits, balanced nutrition, treatment with herbs is enough.

Menurut Hado, Mahatir Muhammad (92) mengatakan: “Saya akan menyarankan orang untuk tidak beristirahat ketika mereka menjadi tua karena jika Anda beristirahat Anda akan menjadi sangat lemah dan mungkin menjadi pikun. Jadi aktiflah setelah Anda mencapai usia pensiun”.

According to Hado, Mahatir Muhammad (92) said: “I would advise people not to rest when they get old because if you rest you will become very weak and may become senile. So be active after you reach retirement age. “

Kadis PMD (Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa)  Tasman Taewa juga mengatakan, pelayanan rumah sakit kebanyakan melemah pada akhir pekan. Bila ada pasien masuk pada hari Jumat, maka praktis pasien itu baru akan mendapatkan pelayanan dokter pada hari Senin. Tasman berharap, gejala tersebut tidak terjadi di rumah sakit rujukan RS Bahteramas.

Kadis PMD (Village Community Empowerment) Tasman Taewa also said, hospital services mostly weakened on weekends. If a patient enters on Friday, then the patient will practically get a doctor’s service on Monday. Tasman hopes that these symptoms will not occur at the Bahteramas Hospital referral hospital.

Kadis PMD tersebut mengemukakan harapan bahwa di Sultra perlu diupayakan adanya desa sehat. Ciri-ciri atau indikasi desa sehat menurut Tasman, setiap rumah warga memiliki kakus (WC), mendapatkan aliran air bersih (layak minum), punya tempat penampungan sampah sebelum diangkut ke tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA), pekarangan rumah berisi tanaman sayur mayur, buah-buah-buahan. Kemudian desa itu sejuk oleh tanaman pelindung yang menutupi jaringan jalan dalam desa.

The Head of PMD expressed hope that in Southeast Sulawesi it would be necessary to strive for a healthy village. The characteristics or indications of a healthy village according to Tasman, each resident’s house has a toilet (WC), get clean water flow (suitable for drinking), have a garbage collection place before being transported to a landfill (TPA), the yard is filled with vegetables, fruit -fruits. Then the village is cool by protective plants that cover the road network within the village.

Selain itu tentu saja di desa itu harus ada sarana dan prasarana kesehatan, seperti katakanlah puskesmas pembantu yang dilengkapi alkes dan petugas medis.

In addition, of course in the village there must be health facilities and infrastructure, such as say a health center that is equipped with medical devices and medical personnel.

RS Bahteramas

Bahteramas Hospital

Di era kepemimpinan dr HM Yusuf Hamra sebagai Dirut Rumah Sakit Umum Provinsi (RSUP) Bahteramas, manajemen rumah sakit terbesar di kawasan timur ini ditekankan bahwa karyawan harus bekerja  serius dan cermat namun tidak boleh berwajah cemberut. Dalam melayani pasien mereka memiliki semboyan: senyum, sapa, tanya, bantu (SSTB).  Semboyan ini tertulis besar-besar di hampir semua sudut dan ruangan. Bahkan, saat memasuki pekarangan dan lapangan parkir, kita akan langsung disambut oleh kata-kata slogan tersebut.

In the era of leadership of Dr. HM Yusuf Hamra as Managing Director of the Bahteramas Provincial General Hospital (RSUP), the management of the largest hospital in the eastern region was emphasized that employees must work seriously and carefully but should not be sullen-faced. In serving patients they have a motto: smile, greet, ask, help (SSTB). This motto is written large in almost all corners and rooms. In fact, when entering the yard and parking lot, we will immediately be greeted by the words of the slogan.

SSTB diharapkan menjadi sumber motivasi dan semangat bagi segenap karyawan untuk memberikan dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan secara optimal kepada pasien dan masyarakat pada umumnya. 

SSTB is expected to be a source of motivation and enthusiasm for all employees to provide and improve the quality of service optimally to patients and the community at large.

Tidak sia-sia manajemen RSUP Bahteramas melakukan berbagai upaya terkait peningkatan pelayanan di rumah sakit tersebut. Terhitung sejak bulan Desember 2016 RSUP Bahteramas telah mendapatkan pengakuan dari sebuah lembaga akreditasi independen, bahwa rumah sakit ini telah memenuhi standar nasional.

The management of Bahteramas Hospital was not in vain of various efforts related to improving services at the hospital. As of December 2016 Bahteramas General Hospital has received recognition from an independent accreditation agency, that this hospital has met national standards.

Lembaga independen yang memutuskan RSUP Bahteramas sebagai sebuah rumah standar ialah Komite Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS).  Menurut KARS, RSUP Bahteramas kini berada di level akreditasi paripurna yang setara dengan rumah sakit bintang lima, seperti RS Fatmawati dan RS Pondok Indah Jakarta.

An independent institution that decides Bahteramas Hospital as a standard house is the Hospital Accreditation Committee (KARS). According to KARS, Bahteramas General Hospital is now at the level of plenary accreditation which is equivalent to five-star hospitals, such as Fatmawati Hospital and Pondok Indah Hospital Jakarta.

Paling sedikit ada empat kelompok standar akreditasi untuk mendapatkan predikat paripurna, atau bintang lima bagi RSUP Bahteramas. Yaitu kelompok pelayanan pasien, manajemen rumah sakit, keselamatan pasien, dan sasaran Millenium Development Goals.

There are at least four groups of accreditation standards to get the title of plenary, or five star for Bahteramas General Hospital. These are the patient care group, hospital management, patient safety, and the Millennium Development Goals goals.

Terkait persoalan manajemen, Yusuf Hamra pernah menjelaskan, ada beberapa pekerjaan non-medis yang penanganannya diserahkan kepada pihak ketiga (kontraktor). Antara lain cleaning service dan parkir. “Jadi, kami lebih fokus pada pelayanan,” ujarnya.

Related to management issues, Yusuf Hamra once explained, there are several non-medical jobs whose handling is left to third parties (contractors). Among other cleaning services and parking. “So, we are more focused on service,” he said.

RSUP Bahteramas memiliki 540 tempat tidur, termasuk 84 tempat tidur VIP ditambah 5 unit untuk super VIP. Yang terakhir ini berupa paviliun.

Bahteramas Hospital has 540 beds, including 84 VIP beds plus 5 units for super VIP. The latter is in the form of a pavilion.

Tangan dingin Yusuf Hamra membuat nama rumah sakit ini cepat melambung tinggi. RSUP Bahteramas tak hanya mampu meraih kelas bintang lima tetapi juga mampu mandiri di bidang pembiayaan.

Yusuf Hamra’s cold hand made the name of this hospital quickly soar. Bahteramas Hospital is not only able to achieve five-star class but also able to be independent in the field of financing.

Seluruh biaya operasional dipenuhi dari penerimaan rumah sakit. Kecuali gaji dan tunjangan, dananya berasal dari kas Pemprov. Begitu pula biaya pembangunan sarana-sarana penunjang dan pengadaan alkes, tentu saja dari pemda.

All operational costs are met from hospital receipts. Except for salaries and benefits, the funds come from the provincial government cash. Likewise, the cost of building supporting facilities and medical equipment, of course, is from the regional government.

Salah satu alkes canggih yang dimiliki RS Bahteramas saat ini adalah CT scan. Computerized tomography scan (CT scan) adalah mesin berbentuk kapsul yang dapat dimasuki orang dewasa dengan posisi berbaring.  Mesin ini digunakan untuk mendeteksi berbagai penyakit dan kondisi kesehatan pasien pada umumnya. Dengan demikian, diagnosis dan proses pengobatan akan lebih akurat.

One of the sophisticated medical equipment owned by Bahteramas Hospital today is CT scan. Computerized tomography scan (CT scan) is a capsule-shaped machine that can be entered by adults in a lying position. This machine is used to detect various diseases and health conditions of patients in general. Thus, the diagnosis and treatment process will be more accurate.

Penyediaan alat tersebut tentu saja untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan secara optimal. Dengan demikian, masyarakat tidak perlu lagi ke Makassar atau Jakarta untuk mendapatkan pelayanan optimal.

The provision of these tools is of course to optimally improve the quality of service. Thus, people no longer need to go to Makassar or Jakarta to get optimal service.

RSUP Bahteramas adalah salah satu karya besar Nur Alam selama dua periode menjabat Gubernur Sultra. Ia membangunan RSUP Bahteramas dengan cara meminjam dana PIP (Pusat Investasi Pemerintah) Kementerian Keuangan. Pinjaman itu untuk penguatan APBD agar infrastruktur dasar tersebut cepat selesai.

Bahteramas Hospital is one of Nur Alam’s major works during the two terms as Governor of Southeast Sulawesi. He built the Bahteramas General Hospital by borrowing funds from the Ministry of Finance’s PIP (Government Investment Center). The loan is intended to strengthen the regional budget so that basic infrastructure is quickly completed.

Kebijakan tersebut adalah sebuah terobosan, yang kemudian diikuti banyak pemda lain terutama di kawasan timur Indonesia. Dengan terobosan membuat kesulitan rakyat cepat teratasi, dan biaya proses pembangunan terhindar dari jebakan inflasi. Sebab proyek multiyears biasanya lebih banyak menelan biaya akibat inflasi yang  berekses pada ekskalasi kenaikan bahan-bahan bangunan.

The policy was a breakthrough, which was then followed by many other regional governments, especially in eastern Indonesia. Breakthroughs made the people’s difficulties quickly overcome, and the costs of the development process avoided the inflation trap. Because multiyears projects usually cost more due to inflation which has an effect on the escalation of the increase in building materials.

RSUP Bahteramas diresmikan 21 November 2012 oleh Menko Perekonomian Hatta  Fi(waktu itu). RSUP ini berdiri di atas lahan seluas 17 hektar, lebih luas dari kompleks Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Cipto Mangun Kusumo di Jakarta.

Bahteramas Hospital was inaugurated on November 21, 2012 by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Fi (at that time). This RSUP stands on an area of ​​17 hectares, wider than the complex of the Central General Hospital (RSUP) Cipto Mangun Kusumo in Jakarta.***