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Ali Mazi Tinjau Alat Deteksi Suhu Penumpang di Airport


Ali Mazi Tinjau Alat Deteksi Suhu Penumpang di Airport

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Ali Mazi Tinjau Alat Deteksi Suhu Penumpang di Airport

Ali Mazi Reviews the Passenger Temperature Detection Tool at the Airport

Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) Ali Mazi didampingi Dan Lanud (Danlanud) Haluoleo Kendari, Kolonel Pnb Muzafar meninjau alat pendeteksi suhu badan tinggi bagi setiap penumpang yang baru tiba di area terminal kedatangan penumpang di Bandara tersebut, menyusul menyebarnya virus corona dari China.

The Governor of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Ali Mazi was accompanied by Dan Lanud (Danlanud) Haluoleo Kendari, Colonel Pnb Muzafar reviewed a high body temperature detector for each passenger who had just arrived at the passenger arrival terminal area at the airport, following the spread of the corona virus from China.

Ali Mazi yang baru tiba dari Jakarta, Rabu (29/1/2020), sempat beristirahat di ruang VIP terminal Bandara Haluoleo selama beberapa menit sebelum pihak petugas bandara memperlihatkan dan memperkenalkan cara kerja alat pendeteksi pemanatau suhu badan bagi setiap penumpang yang tiba maupun bepergian.

Ali Mazi, who had just arrived from Jakarta, Wednesday (01/29/2020), had a chance to rest in the VIP room of the Haluoleo Airport terminal for several minutes before the airport officials showed and introduced how the body temperature monitoring device works for every passenger arriving or traveling.

Danlanud Haluoleo Kendari, Kolonel Pnb Muzafar mengatakan, alat pendeteksi suhu tubuh yang dipasang dimana penumpang melalui area itu akan termonitor oleh alat ‘thermal scanner’ yang bisa mendeteksi suhu tinggi dari penumpang yang baru melakukan perjalanan luar.

Danlanud Haluoleo Kendari, Col. Pnb Muzafar said, a body temperature detector that is installed where passengers through the area will be monitored by a ‘thermal scanner’ that can detect high temperatures from passengers who have just traveled outside.

Menurut Danlanud, alat thermal scanner sendiri sebenarnya sudah dipasang sejak beberapa waktu yang lalu di pintu kedatangan penumpang. Alat ini dari Kemeneterian Kesehatan RI.

According to Danlanud, the thermal scanner itself has actually been installed a while ago at the passenger arrival door. This tool is from the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health.

“Jadi setiap penumpang dari perjalanan luar akan dicek suhu badannya menggunakan thermal scanner. Apabila suhu badan mencapai 38 derajat celsius, maka akan diinvestigasi dan dibawa ke ruangan khusus untuk dicek lebih lanjut. Kalau setelah diperiksa gejalanya mengarah pada virus Corona maka kami rujuk ke rumah sakit,” ujaranya.

“So every passenger from an outside trip will be checked for body temperature using a thermal scanner. If the body temperature reaches 38 degrees celsius, it will be investigated and taken to a special room for further checking. If after checking the symptoms point to the Corona virus then we refer to the hospital,”he said.

Ia mengatakan, pasca dipasangnya alat pendetksi suhu badan, oleh petugas Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) Bandara Haluoleo belum menemukan adanya penumpang yang suhu badannya mencapai setinggi itu, apalagi yang mengarah pada virus corona.

He said, after the installation of a body temperature detection device, the officers of the Port Health Office (KKP) of Haluoleo Airport had not found any passengers whose body temperatures had reached that high, especially those that led to the corona virus.

“Petugas KKP Bandara Haluoleo Kendari terus mengaktifkan alat kamera pemantau suhu tubuh untuk memantau setiap penumpang yang datang dari dalam, dan terlebih penumpang yang dari luar negeri yang dilakukan karantina dan berfungsi selama 24 jam,” jelasnya.

“The KKP Haluoleo Airport in Kendari continues to activate a body temperature monitoring camera to monitor every passenger who comes from inside, and especially those from overseas who are carried out quarantined and functioning for 24 hours,” he explained.

Sejauh ini, memang belum ada penumpang dari luar negeri terdeteksi yang dicurigai terserang virus corona, apalagi di Bandara Haluoleo tidak ada rute pesawat langsung dari luar negeri khususnya dari Tiongkok.

So far, there have not been detected passengers from abroad who are suspected of being infected by the corona virus, especially since there is no direct flight route from Haluoleo Airport, especially from China.


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