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Sultra Resmi Jadi Tuan Rumah HPN 2021


Sultra Resmi Jadi Tuan Rumah HPN 2021

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Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) kiri bersama ketua PWI Pusat, Atal S. Depari
The Governor of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) left with the chairman of the Central PWI, Atal S. Depari FOTO: ISTIMEWA

Southeast Sulawesi Official Hosts 2021 HPN

Banjarmasin , tegas.co – Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) dipastikan jadi tuan rumah dalam perayaan Hari Pers Nasional (HPS) tahun 2021 mendatang.

The Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI) of Southeast Sulawesi (Southeast Sulawesi) is confirmed to be the host in the celebration of the National Press Day (HPS) in 2021.

Penetapan tersebut dibuktikan dengan penyerahan Surat Keterangan (SK) penetapan tuan rumah HPN 2021. SK tersebut diserahkan langsung ketua PWI Pusat Atal S. Depari kepada Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) Ali Mazi dalam acara gala dinner Sultra di salah satu hotel ternama di Banjarmasin, Jumat, (07/02) malam.

The determination was proven by the submission of Certificate (SK) for the determination of the host of 2021 HPN. The decree was handed over directly by the PWI head of Atal S. Depari Center to the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Ali Mazi during the Southeast Sulawesi gala dinner at one of the well-known hotels in Banjarmasin on Friday. (07/02) night.

Atal S Depari mengatakan, untuk menjadi tuan rumah dalam perayaan HPN sangat tidak mudah, karena persaingan antar Provinsi sangat ketat. Akan tetapi, Sultra berhasil mendapatkan SK tersebut tanpa ada kendala. “Sultra mendapatkan SK tanpa ada hambatan, sementara banyak provinsi lain yang meminta,” jelasnya.

Atal S Depari said, to host the HPN celebration was not easy, because competition between provinces was very tight. However, Southeast Sulawesi managed to get the decree without any obstacles. “Sultra gets a decree without any obstacles, while many other provinces ask for it,” he explained.

Menurutnya, kesempatan ini jangan dilewatkan oleh PWI Sultra, apalagi Gubernur Sultra ikut mendukung penuh perayaan HPN 2021 nanti.”Gala dinner saja sudah luar biasa dibuat, apalagi HPN mendatang, tapi Sultra harus buat HPN lebih bagus dari Kalsel keunikan sendiri, kalau bisa melebihi Kalsel,” paparnya.

According to him, this opportunity should not be missed by PWI Sultra, moreover the Southeast Sulawesi Governor will fully support the 2021 HPN celebration later. “Gala dinner alone is already extraordinary, especially the upcoming HPN, but Southeast Sulawesi must make HPN better than South Kalimantan’s own uniqueness, if it can exceed South Kalimantan. , “he explained.

Di tempat yang sama, Sekretaris Provinsi (Sekprov) Kalsel, H. Abdul Haris mengatakan, sebagai tuan rumah ia turut mendoakan HPN 2021 di Sultra sukses, bahkan lebih meriah dibanding Kalsel. “Belajar dari pelangaman yang kami laksanakan. Kami juga mohon maaf jika ada yang salah atau kekurangan-kekurangan,” ungkapnya.

In the same place, the Provincial Secretary (Sekprov) of South Kalimantan, H. Abdul Haris said, as the host he also prayed for the 2021 HPN in Southeast Sulawesi to be successful, even more lively than South Kalimantan. “Learn from our customers. We also apologize if something is wrong or lacking,” he said.

Menurutnya, HPN menrupakankegiatan yang sangat strategis, sebab lewat perayaan ini, daerah dapat mempromosikan potensi daerah.

According to him, HPN is a very strategic activity, because through this celebration, the region can promote regional potential.

“Apapagi banyak duta besar dan para investor. Sultra harus lebih sempurna perayaannya,” kata Abdul Haris.

“What a lot of ambassadors and investors. Southeast Sulawesi must have a more perfect celebration,” Abdul Haris said.

Sementara itu, Gubernur Sultra, Ali Mazi mengapresiasi dan bangga Sultra ditetapkan sebagai tuan rumah HPN 2021.

Meanwhile, Southeast Sulawesi Governor Ali Mazi appreciated and was proud that Southeast Sulawesi was designated as the host of the 2021 HPN.

“Kepercayaan ini tak mudah. Terimakasih PWI telah mempercayakan Sultra sebagai tuan rumah HPN 2021. Terima kasih juga buat semua jajaran Pemprov Kalsel,” tutupnya.

“This trust is not easy. Thank you PWI for entrusting Southeast Sulawesi as the host of HPN 2021. Thank you also for all ranks of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government,” he concluded.


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