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Sekprov Tinjau Tes Wawancara Asessment JPTP Lingkup Pemprov Sultra


Sekprov Tinjau Tes Wawancara Asessment JPTP Lingkup Pemprov Sultra

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Provincial Secretary of North Sumatra Review Interview JPTP Assessment Test Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government

Puluhan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN)  Lingkup Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra)  mengikuti tes wawancara atau Uji Kompetensi Asesment Centre untuk pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama (JPTP), di  laksanakan mulai hari ini Selasa 18 Februari 2020.

Dozens of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Scope of Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government (Southeast Sulawesi) took an interview test or Competency Assessment Center Test for filling the position of Primary High Leadership (JPTP), carried out starting today Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

Pj Sekda Laode Ahmad, menyempatkan meninjau pelaksanaan Tes Wawancara JPTP yang di ikuti sebanyak 92 orang dari beberapa daerah Provinsi kabupaten kota bahkan ada 1 orang dari Provinsi Kalimantan Utara (Kaltara).

Acting Regional Secretary Laode Ahmad, took the time to review the implementation of the JPTP Interview Test, which was participated in by 92 people from several provinces in the regency and there was even one from North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara).

Menurut La Ode Achmad, pelaksanaan uji kompetensi kali ini cukup komprehensip dari berbagai disiplin ilmu dan diterapkan sistem kompetensi guna menciptakan suatu Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama yang berintegritas, loyalitas, dan akuntabilitas.

According to La Ode Achmad, the implementation of the competency test this time was quite comprehensive from various disciplines and the competency system was implemented to create a Primary Leadership Position with integrity, loyalty and accountability.

“A review of the implementation of competency tests for ASNs who have fulfilled the requirements for occupying echelon II positions in the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government’s scope of auction. Thank God, it went well and smoothly,” he said.

Selama pelaksanaan uji kompetensi pengisian JPTP di  lingkup Provinsi Sultra, berjalan lancar dan penuh disiplin ungkap Zainuddin S Maru Kabid Penegakan Perda Satpol PP salah satu peserta Asessment JPTP.

During the implementation of the competency test JPTP filling in the scope of Southeast Sulawesi Province, went smoothly and was full of discipline, said Zainuddin S Maru, Head of the Enforcement of Regional Regulation of Satpol PP, one of the JPTP Assessment participants.


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