Pemprov Sultra Hibahkan 45 Hektare Tanah untuk TNI AD

Ali Mazi Ferguso

Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government Grants 45 hectares of Land to the Army

Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara menghibahkan tanah ke TNI AD seluas 45 hektare di Nanga-nanga, Jumat (3/1/2020).

Iklan Viki DPRD Sultra

The Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government has granted 45 hectares of land to the Army in Nanga-nanga, Friday (1/3/2020).

Penyerahan hibah tanah ini dilakukan oleh Gubernur Sultra Ali Mazi ke Pangdam XIV Hasanuddin Mayjen TNI Surawahadi.

The handover of this land grant was carried out by Southeast Sulawesi Governor Ali Mazi to the Military Commander XIV Hasanuddin Major General of the TNI Surawahadi.

Rencananya, tanah hibah ini untuk pembangunan Asrama Korem 143/HO dan Markas Kikavserbu dengan Nomor Hibah 593/7149.a.

It is planned that the grant land will be for the construction of the Korem 143 / HO Dormitory and Kikavserbu Headquarters with Grant Number 593 / 7149.a.

Kesempatan itu, dimanfaatkan juga Surawahadi untuk pamitan ke Forkopimda Sultra karena sudah tidak lagi menjabat sebagai Pangdam.

That opportunity was also used by Surawahadi to say goodbye to Forkopimda Sultra because he no longer served as the Commander of the Military Command.

“Saya bersama istri mohon izin pamitan kepada bapak Gubernur Ali Mazi dan ibu, bapak Wakil Gubernur Lukman Abunawas dan Anggota Forkopimda Sultra, saya dilantik sebagai Pangdam Hasanuddin tepatnya 23 juli 2018, jadi kurang lebih sudah satu setengah tahun bertugas,” kata Surawahadi seperti rilis Kominfo Sultra.

“I and my wife beg for permission to say goodbye to Mr. Governor Ali Mazi and mother, Mr. Deputy Governor Lukman Abunawas and Members of the Southeast Sulawesi Forkopimda, I was appointed as Hasanuddin Military Commander on 23 July 2018, so it has been about one and a half years in service,” said Surawahadi as released by Kominfo Sultra.

Ia menyebut, banyak catatan selama bertugas di Bumi Anoa Sultra, seperti ketika terjadi konflik sosial di tanah Wolio pulau Buton.

He mentioned, there were many notes during his time in the Anoa Sultra Earth, such as when there was a social conflict on the Wolio land of Buton Island.

“Saya langsung turun lapangan bersama pasukan mengendalikan peristiwa pembakaran kendaraan polisi di Desa Lawele Kecamatan Lasalimu dan konflik sosial pembakaran rumah masyarakat di Desa Gunung Jaya Kabupaten Buton, serta bencana alam banjir di Kabupaten Konawe dan Konut,” katanya.

“I immediately went down the field with the troops to control the burning of police vehicles in Lawele Village, Lasalimu Subdistrict and the social conflict in the burning of community houses in Gunung Jaya Village, Buton Regency, as well as natural disasters in Konawe and Konut Regencies,” he said.

Sementara itu, Gubernur Sultra Ali Mazi memberikan apresiasi kepada Surawahadi yang peduli kepada Pemprov Sultra dan paling sering berkunjung ke Sultra.

Meanwhile, Southeast Sulawesi Governor Ali Mazi expressed his appreciation to Surawahadi who cared for the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government and most often visited Southeast Sulawesi.

“Semoga pak jendral diberikan kekuatan dan kesehatan bertugas di tempat yang baru di Jakarta,” tuturnya.

“Hopefully the General pack is given strength and health on duty in a new place in Jakarta,” he said.

Tim Redaksi