BELAKANGAN ini Hado Hasina mencuri perhatian setelah dia ditunjuk Gubernur Ali Mazi sebagai Ketua Tim Percepatan Pembangunan Jalan Kendari-Toronipa (14,6 Km). Pertanyaan publik, kenapa mesti ada ketua tim percepatan, bukankah hal tersebut merupakan tanggung jawab Kepala Dinas PU Provinsi Sultra? Sementara Hado adalah Kadis Perhubungan Sultra.
Later, Hado Hasina stole the attention after he was appointed by Governor Ali Mazi as Chairman of the Kendari-Toronipa Road Development Acceleration Team (14.6 Km). The public question, why does there have to be an acceleration team leader, isn’t that the responsibility of the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Public Works Service? While Hado is the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office.
Sepintas lalu pertanyaan tersebut masuk akal. Sebab jalan sependek itu dipandang pekerjaan mudah bagi setiap engineering profesional. Membangun jalan tol saja perkara gampang. Apalagi hanya jalan biasa seperti jalan akses Kendari – Toronipa. Prosesnya bikin desain, amdal (analisis dampak lingkungan), lelang, kemudian pelaksanaan konstruksi. Selesai!
At first glance the question makes sense. Because the short road is considered an easy job for every professional engineering. Just building a toll road is easy. Moreover, only ordinary roads such as the access road Kendari – Toronipa. The process is making design, environmental impact analysis (AMDAL), auction, then construction. Done!
Namun, rencana pembangunan jalan tersebut pada awalnya memang agak berat, baik dari segi anggaran maupun teknis konstruksi. Sebab menurut gagasan Gubernur Ali Mazi, sebagian (sekitar 5-6 Km) ruas jalan tersebut direncanakan akan digelar di atas laut.
However, the road construction plan was initially rather heavy, both in terms of budgeting and technical construction. Because according to the idea of Governor Ali Mazi, some (about 5-6 Km) of the planned road will be held on the sea.
Itu berarti, jalan akses Kendari-Toronipa akan mirip Jalan Tol Bali Mandara yang membentang sepanjang 12,7 Km. Jalan tol ini menghubungkan Bandara Ngurah Rai, Denpasar dan Nusa Dua, Bali. Jalan tol Bali Mandara merupakan jalan tol kedua di Indonesia yang dibangun di atas laut setelah jembatan Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu).
That means, the Kendari-Toronipa access road will be similar to the Bali Mandara Toll Road which stretches for 12.7 Km. This toll road connects Ngurah Rai Airport, Denpasar and Nusa Dua, Bali. Bali Mandara toll road is the second toll road in Indonesia that was built above the sea after the Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu) bridge.
Pengurukan laut dan konstruksi membutuhkan biaya besar. Sedangkan lebar jalan, Ali Mazi menginginkan sekitar 40 meter. Biayanya direncanakan hampir Rp 4 triliun. Sebagai engineering Hado melihat proyek tersebut tidak bakal selesai hingga Ali Mazi mengakhiri masa jabatannya bulan September 2023.
Marine backfill and construction require huge costs. While the width of the road, Ali Mazi wants around 40 meters. The cost is planned to be almost Rp. 4 trillion. As engineering, Hado saw that the project would not be completed until Ali Mazi ended his term in September 2023.
Sebagai bekas teman sekolah di Baubau dan mantan bosnya ketika Ali Mazi menjabat Gubernur Sultra periode 2003-2008, Hado Hasina mendiskusikan rencana pembangunan jalan tersebut dengan gubernur dalam pembicaraan empat mata. Saat itu telah memasuki awal tahun anggaran 2019, namun pekerjaan fisik belum dimulai.
As a former schoolmate in Baubau and his former boss when Ali Mazi served as Southeast Sulawesi Governor in the 2003-2008 period, Hado Hasina discussed the road construction plan with the governor in private talks. It was at the start of the 2019 fiscal year, but physical work had not yet begun.
Hado menyarankan, jalan tersebut tidak perlu melalui laut. Ruas jalan yang ada saja ditingkatkan kualitasnya dengan pelabaran badan jalan maksimal 20 meter. Pertimbangannya ialah warga di sepanjang jalan lama itu akan mendapatkan manfaat langsung berupa ganti rugi tanah yang terkena pelebaran jalan. Warga juga akan senang jika jalan di depan rumahnya mulus dan lebar.
Hado suggested, the road does not need to be by sea. The existing road segments have only been upgraded with a maximum length of 20 meters. The consideration is that residents along the old road will get direct benefits in the form of compensation for land affected by road widening. Residents will also be happy if the road in front of his house is smooth and wide.
Dengan demikian, proyek tersebut bakal mendapat dukungan moril masyarakat. Mereka akan merasa memiliki. Kecuali itu pemerintah dapat menghemat biaya. Jika semula direncanakan hampir Rp 4 triliun, maka dengan penataan jalan lama saja biaya dapat diturunkan hingga di bawah satu triliun.
Gubernur Ali Mazi ternyata menyetujui formula Hado, mantan Kadis PU Kabupaten Buton Utara. Tetapi gubernur ingin tetap bertahan mengenai lebar jalan yakni 40 meter. Hado pun meyakinkan gubernur bahwa jalan tol Jagorawi saja, lebanrnya tidak mencapai 30 meter. Tapi gubernur bertahan lebar jalan di 27 meter.
Governor Ali Mazi apparently approved the formula of Hado, a former Head of Public Works Office of North Buton Regency. But the governor wants to stay on the width of the road which is 40 meters. Hado also convinced the governor that the Jagorawi toll road alone, the width would not reach 30 meters. But the governor survived the width of the road at 27 meters.
Alhasil, kegiatan proyek jalan Kendari Toronipa kini mulai berjalan lancar. Warga juga senang. Menurut keterangan, ada warga yang tanahnya terkena pelebaran jalan menerima ganti rugi sampai Rp 1 miliar.
As a result, the Kendari Toronipa road project activities are now proceeding smoothly. Residents are also happy. According to information, there are residents whose land was affected by road widening to receive compensation of up to Rp 1 billion.
Maka tidak heran jika Hado ditunjuk sebagai Ketua Tim Percepatan Pembangunan Jalan Kendari-Toronipa. Penugasan gubernur itu diterima dengan baik. Tetapi Kadis Perhubungan Sultra itu menyatakan dia tidak harus setiap saat berada di lapangan. Sebab penanggung jawab teknis dan opersional adalah Kadis PU Sultra sendiri.
So do not be surprised if Hado was appointed as Chairman of the Kendari-Toronipa Road Development Acceleration Team. The appointment of the governor was well received. But the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Transportation Office said he did not have to be in the field all the time. Because the person in charge of technical and operational is the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Office.
Sebagai Kadis Perhubungan Sultra Hado menyambut dan mendukung penuh pembangunan jalan Kendari Toronipa. Sebab infrastruktur tersebut akan menunjang konektivitas obyek-obyek wisata pantai dan pulau-pulau kecil di sepanjang jalan tersebut. Obyek wisata tersebut meliputi pantai Toronipa sendiri, Pulau Bokori, Pulau Hari, Pulau Saponda, Pulau Labengki.
As Head of Transportation, Sultra Hado welcomed and fully supported the construction of the Kendari Toronipa road. Because the infrastructure will support the connectivity of coastal tourism objects and small islands along the road. These attractions include Toronipa beach itself, Bokori Island, Hari Island, Saponda Island, Labengki Island.
Hado Hasina adalah salah satu dari sedikit pejabat Provinsi Sultra yang kreatif inovatif. Begitu diangkat Gubernur Nur Alam sebagai Kadis Perhubungan, Juli 2016, master bidang transportasi ini langsung beraksi. Ia mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan pelabuhan penyeberangan kapal feri dan semua sarana dan prasarana penunjang infrastruktur tersebut seperti terminal, rest area, maupun halte. Alhasil, pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) meningkat signifikan.
Hado Hasina is one of the few creative Province of Southeast Sulawesi officials. As soon as Governor Nur Alam was appointed as Head of Transportation, July 2016, the master of transportation immediately took action. He optimizes the utilization of the ferry crossing harbor and all the infrastructure supporting facilities such as terminals, rest areas, and bus stops. As a result, regional own-source revenue (PAD) increased significantly.
Pada akhir 2016 dia setor sekitar Rp 3,9 miliar, akhir 2017 telah naik menjadi Rp 6,7 miliar, dan 2018 ini melesat menjadi Rp11 miliar. Hado telah menunjukkan kemampuan berprestasi sejak menjadi staf Ali Mazi saat ybs menjabat gubernur periode 2003-2008 hingga ditugaskan gubernur pengganti Ali Mazi, Nur Alam ke Buton Utara sebagai Kadis PU di sana.
At the end of 2016 he deposited around Rp 3.9 billion, by the end of 2017 it had risen to Rp 6.7 billion, and in 2018 this shot to Rp 11 billion. Hado has demonstrated the ability to achieve since he became Ali Mazi’s staff when he was governor in the 2003-2008 period until he was assigned to replace Ali Mazi’s governor, Nur Alam, to North Buton as the Head of Public Works Office there.
Ketika “duet” dengan Gubernur Ali Mazi, ada tiga bandar udara yang dibangun, termasuk pembangunan terminal Bandara Haluoleo. Dua bandara yang dibangun baru waktu itu adalah Matahora di Wakatobi dan Tangketada/Ni Bandera di Kolaka.
During a “duet” with Governor Ali Mazi, three airports were built, including the construction of the Haluoleo Airport terminal. Two new airports that were built at that time were Matahora in Wakatobi and Tangketada / Ni Bandera in Kolaka.
Dan ketika ditarik kembali ke provinsi, Hado memback-up Nur Alam membangun Pulau Bokori sebagai destinasi wisata yang terdekat dengan ibu kota provinsi. Selain ikut membangun villa dan homestay, dia juga membangun pelabuhan khusus wisata di Desa Bajo atas perintah Gubernur Nur Alam.
And when pulled back to the province, Hado backed up Nur Alam to build Bokori Island as a tourist destination closest to the provincial capital. In addition to helping build villas and homestays, he also built a special port for tourism in the village of Bajo on the orders of Governor Nur Alam.
Pelabuhan khusus itu difungsikan sebagai pintu keluar masuk Pulau Bokori dalam rangka pengendalian arus pengunjung sekaligus pungutan retribusi untuk PAD Sultra. Menurut Kadis Pariwisata Sultra Saharuddin Nurdin, sebelum tutup 2018, dia telah membukukan pemasukan PAD dari Pulau Bokori sekitar Rp 400 juta.
The special port functions as the entrance and exit of Bokori Island in the context of controlling the flow of visitors as well as levies for the Southeast Sulawesi PAD. According to the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Tourism Office Saharuddin Nurdin, before closing 2018, he had posted an income of PAD from Bokori Island around Rp 400 million.
Hado Hasina adalah kader yang handal, cerdas dan cepat beraksi. Saya pernah menulis di media, ditempatkan di padang pasir pun sosok ini pasti bisa eksis.
Hado Hasina is a cadre who is reliable, smart and fast in action. I once wrote in the media, placed in the desert, this figure can certainly exist. ***
Foto Kadis Perhubungan Sultra Dr Ir H Hado Hasina MT