Ali Mazi Funds Poor Children with Achievements
BUKAN janji tapi bukti. Ini slogan kampanye Ali Mazi pada pemilihan Gubernur Sultra 2007. Tapi ketika itu sang petahana terganjal munculnya seorang anak muda yang ganteng dan dikenal dermawan bernama Nur Alam.
NOT a promise but proof. This is the slogan of Ali Mazi’s campaign in the 2007 Southeast Sulawesi Governor election. But at that time the incumbent was hampered by the appearance of a handsome and well-known young man named Nur Alam.
Ali Mazi terpaksa “cuti” 10 tahun hingga masa jabatan pasangan Nur Alam/Saleh Lasata berakhir awal tahun 2018. Pasangan ini berkuasa dua periode. Ali Mazi tampil kembali menjabat Gubernur Sultra berpasangan dengan Lukman Abunawas setelah terpilih melalui pilkada serentak tahun 2017. Jadi Ali Mazi saat ini tengah menjabat Gubernur Sultra untuk periode kedua.
Ali Mazi was forced to “leave” 10 years until the term of office of the Nur Alam / Saleh Lasata pair ended in early 2018. The couple was in power for two terms. Ali Mazi returned to the post of Southeast Sulawesi Governor in pairs with Lukman Abunawas after being elected through the simultaneous local elections in 2017. So Ali Mazi is currently serving as Southeast Sulawesi Governor for the second period.

Ali Mazi konsisten dengan slogan “bukan janji tapi bukti”. Ketika kampanye pilkada 2017 dia menyisir hampir semua daerah terpencil dan terpuruk di Sultra. Kabaena salah satu di antaranya. Warga pulau itu sangat menderita akibat belum adanya infrastruktur jalan beraspal. Akses jalan yang ada menjadi kubangan pada setiap musim hujan.
Ali Mazi is consistent with the slogan “not a promise but proof”. When the 2017 election campaign he combed almost all remote and slumped areas in Southeast Sulawesi. Kabaena is one of them. Residents of the island suffer greatly due to the lack of asphalt road infrastructure. The existing road access becomes a puddle every rainy season.
Di Kelurahan Rampuu, dari atas panggung Ali Mazi mengajak anak-anak ikut naik ke panggung. Anak-anak tersebut ikut menghadiri pertemuan Ali Mazi dengan warga setempat.
In Kelurahan Rampuu, from the stage Ali Mazi invited children to come onstage. The children attended Ali Mazi’s meeting with local residents.
Setelah tanya jawab dengan anak-anak itu Ali Mazi tertarik kepada salah satu di antaranya bernama Titi Wahdina. Anak kelas 3 SD Negeri Rahampuu, ini ternyata dari keluarga miskin. Namun di sekolah Titi meraih prestasi akademik yang baik. Titi selalu juara mulai kelas 1 hingga kelas 3 saat pertemuan dengan mantan dan sekaligus calon Gubernur Sultra.
After question and answer with the children Ali Mazi was attracted to one of them named Titi Wahdina. Grade 3 children in Rahampuu Public Elementary School, apparently from poor families. But at Titi’s school he achieved good academic achievement. Titi always wins from class 1 to class 3 when meeting with former and at the same time the candidates for the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi.
Rasa kemanusiaan Ali Mazi tersentuh. Secara spontan Haji Ali Mazi berjanji dia akan menanggung biaya pendidikan gadis cilik itu sampai tercapai cita-citanya, apakah sampai selesai di jenjang program Diploma III atau S1 perguruan tinggi.
Ali Mazi’s humanity was touched. Spontaneous Haji Ali Mazi promised he would bear the education costs of the little girl until she reached her goals, whether to finish at the level of the Diploma III or S1 college program.
Titi Wahdina, anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara hasil pernikahan Andi Baso Tallo dan Nawati, masih terus menjadi juara I di sekolahnya. Menurut penuturan ibunya, Nawati, saat ini di kelas 4. Dia belum tersaingi, masih tetap bertengger di juara I kelas 4 SD Negeri Rahamouu.
Titi Wahdina, the second child of three siblings from the marriage of Andi Baso Tallo and Nawati, continues to be the first winner in her school. According to her mother, Nawati, is currently in grade 4. She is unmatched, still in first place in grade 4, Rahamouu State Elementary School.
Ali Mazi yang kemudian terpilih menjadi Gubernur Sultra untuk kedua kalinya, pantang ingkar janji. Dia merealisasikan janjinya. Dari kantong pribadinya Ali Mazi mengeluarkan uang Rp 1 juta setiap bulan dan dikirimkan kepada Titi Wahdina di Rahampuu.
Ali Mazi, who was later elected as Governor of Southeast Sulawesi for the second time, never broke promises. He fulfilled his promise. From his personal pocket Ali Mazi spends IDR 1 million every month and is sent to Titi Wahdina in Rahampuu.
“Itu uang pribadi beliau”, tutur Kadis Dikbud Sultra Asrun Lio PhD, alumni Australia National University di Sidney, Australia. Ahli antropologi budaya Universitas Haluoleo tersebut ditugaskan Ali Mazi untuk mengirimkan biaya pendidikan Titi Wahdina. Dari pihak ibu, Asrun masih keluarga dekat Ali Mazi.
“That’s his personal money,” said Head of the Education and Culture Office of Southeast Sulawesi Asrun Lio PhD, an alumni of Australia National University in Sydney, Australia. The cultural anthropologist at Haluoleo University was assigned by Ali Mazi to send Titi Wahdina’s tuition fees. From the mother’s side, Asrun is still a close relative of Ali Mazi.
Perhatian Gubernur Sultra Ali Mazi terhadap kelangsungan pendidikan anak-anak kurang mampu secara ekonomi cukup besar. Menurut Asrun, beasiswa untuk peserta didik dari keluarga ekonomi lemah, saat ini diporsikan lebih besar dari APBD. Para penerima beasiswa adalah peserta didik sekolah lanjutan atas dan mahasiswa perguruan tinggi.
The attention of Governor Sultra Ali Mazi to the continuity of education of underprivileged children is economically quite large. According to Asrun, scholarships for students from economically weak families are currently higher than the APBD. The scholarship recipients are high school students and college students.
Ketika saya telusuri latar belakang pemberian semacam beasiswa oleh Gubernur Ali Mazi, Titi Wahdina memang berasal dari keluarga miskin. Ayah ibunya telah bercerai. Ayahnya, Andi Baso Tallo pulang ke kampungnya di Selayar meninggalkan istri dan 3 anak.
When I explored the background of giving a kind of scholarship by Governor Ali Mazi, Titi Wahdina indeed came from a poor family. His mother and father were divorced. His father, Andi Baso Tallo returned to his village in Selayar leaving his wife and 3 children.
Karena tak pulang-pulang, istrinya, Mawati kemudian kawin dengan pria Lengora, Kecamatan Kabaena Tengah. Pulau Kabaena kini terdiri dari 6 kecamatan dalam wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Bombana. Namun keadaan tak banyak berubah. Sebab suami baru itu juga hanya pekerja serabutan.
Because he did not go home, his wife, Mawati, then married a Lengora man in Central Kabaena District. Kabaena Island now consists of 6 subdistricts within the administrative area of Bombana Regency. But the situation hasn’t changed much. Because the new husband is also only a freelance worker.
Rumah Titi Wahdina bersama adiknya Munira (Taman Kanak-kanak), ibu dan ayah tirinya Baharuddin tinggal dalam sebuah gubuk di Rahampuu. Menurut Mawati (38), gubuk tersebut terletak agak ke dalam.
Titi Wahdina’s house with her sister Munira (kindergarten), her mother and stepfather Baharuddin lived in a hut in Rahampuu. According to Mawati (38), the hut is located somewhat inward.
Dalam pembicaraan melalui telepon, Mawati mengaku sangat terbantu dengan kiriman Gubernur Ali Mazi sebesar Rp 1 juta setiap bulan. “Luar biasa Pak, dana itu begitu besar nilainya bagi kehidupan kami”, ujarnya dengan nada haru melalui telepon.
In a telephone conversation, Mawati said that she was greatly helped by Governor Ali Mazi’s shipment of Rp. 1 million every month. “Amazing sir, the funds are of great value to our lives,” he said in an emotional tone by telephone.
Kecuali untuk keperluan sekolah Titi seperti buku dan pakaian seragam, dana dari kantung pribadi Gubernur Ali Mazi itu digunakan juga untuk menutupi kekurangan kebutuhan pokok seperti beras.
Except for the needs of Titi schools such as books and uniforms, funds from Governor Ali Mazi’s private pocket are also used to cover shortages of basic necessities such as rice.
Anak sulung, kakak Titi bernama Muhammad Andi Sofyan tinggal bersama ayahnya di Selayar karena hendak melanjutkan pendidkannya di SMP. Mawati menuturkan, pekerjaan ayah Titi di sana tetap sebagai nelayan kecil seperti ketika masih di Rahampuu.
The eldest son, Titi’s older brother, Muhammad Andi Sofyan, lives with his father in Selayar because he wants to continue his education in junior high school. Mawati said, Titi’s father’s work there remained as a small fisherman like when he was still in Rahampuu.
Asrun mengatakan, biaya pendidikan yang diperoleh Titi Wahdina dari pribadi Gubernur Sultra lebih besar dari beasiswa seorang siswa SLTA. Beasiswa dalam setahun bagi peserta dari SLTA hanya Rp 7,5 juta. Sedangkan Wahdina bisa mencapai Rp 12 juta setahun.
Asrun said, the tuition fees obtained by Titi Wahdina from the Governor of South East Sulawesi were greater than the scholarship of a high school student. Scholarships in a year for participants from high school only Rp. 7.5 million. Whereas Wahdina can reach Rp 12 million a year.***