Commitment of Ali Mazi and Bahlil Bangun Sultra because of fellow regional sons
Gubenur Sultra Ali Mazi dan Kepala Badan Kordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, membahas tentang investasi, di Jakarta.
Governor Sultra Ali Mazi and Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, discussed investment, in Jakarta.
Iinti diskusi pertemuan tersebut, bagaimana Pemprov Sultra kiranya jangan lambat menangani kunjungan Investor.
The main discussion in the meeting was how the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government should not be slow in handling investor visits.
“Kita harus jemput bola setiap investasi yang akan menuju Sultra, kita sediakan karpet merah bagi investasi apapun selama menguntung daerah dan telah memenuhi mekanisme aturan BKPM, sehingga jangan terkesan pemerintah daerah Sultra memperlambat investasi masuk ke daerah hanya karena regulasi yang bertele-tele atau berbeli-belit,” ungkap Bahlil.
“We have to pick up the ball for every investment that will go to Southeast Sulawesi, we provide a red carpet for any investment as long as it benefits the region and has complied with the BKPM regulatory mechanism, so do not be impressed that the regional government of Southeast Sulawesi slows investment into the region simply because of rambling or complicated regulations. convolution, “Bahlil said.
Sejak Ali Mazi dilantik menjadi Gubernur Sultra 5 September 2018, setiap pertemuan, diskusi dan ketika memberikan sambutan dimanapaun, selalu mengungkapkan bahwa jika Sultra mau maju dan berdaya saing antara provinsi lainnya, maka jangan hanya melangkah tapi harus melompat.
Since Ali Mazi was inaugurated as Governor of Southeast Sulawesi on September 5, 2018, every meeting, discussion and when giving remarks at any place, always revealed that if Sultra wants to advance and be competitive among other provinces, then don’t just step up but have to jump.
Caranya, Sultra cepat siapkan sarana prasarana infrastruktur daerah dan SDM serta regulasi yang simpel-simpel saja tapi sesuai peraturan dan perundang-undangan.
The trick, Southeast Sulawesi quickly prepare infrastructure facilities and regional human resources and regulations that are simple but in accordance with regulations and legislation.
“Sehingga ketika siapapun dan dari manapun investor pasti dengan senang hati dan mudah akan berinvestasi di Bumi Anoa yang banyak memiliki Sumber Daya Alam. Jangan kita hanya bercerita kelebihan daerah lain sehingga kita hanya sebagai penonton dan merugi,” ungkap Ali Mazi.
“So when anyone and from anywhere, investors will surely be happy and easy to invest in Bumi Anoa, which has a lot of natural resources. We should not only talk about the strengths of other regions so that we are only spectators and losers, “said Ali Mazi.
Politisi NasDem ini menjelaskan, gerakan yang telah dibuat sebagai pendukung investasi di Sultra walaupun baru menjabat satu tahun empat bulan sesuai visi misi Aman Ali Mazi – Lukman Abunawas, seperti Jembatan Bahteramas tetap dianggarkan sampai tuntas.
This NasDem politician explained that the movement that had been made as a supporter of investment in Southeast Sulawesi even though he had only served one year and four months in accordance with the vision and mission of Aman Ali Mazi – Lukman Abunawas, such as the Bahteramas Bridge remained budgeted to completion.
Kemudian, mengawasi Bendungan Pelosika, pertambangan, Bandara Haluoleo, Pelabuhan dan lainnya serta membuat Perputakaan Modern, Rumah Sakit Jantung bertaraf Internatioanal dan Pembangunan Jalan Pariwisata Toronipa.
Then, oversee Pelosika Dam, mining, Haluoleo Airport, Port and others and make Modern Circuits, International Standard Heart Hospital and Toronipa Tourism Road Development.
“Ketiga monumental ini tahap awal pembangunan,” bebernya.
“These three monumental stages are the initial stages of development,” he explained.
Akhir pertemuan Ali Mazi dan Bahlil, sepakat sesama putra daerah Sultra akan mendorong Sultra lebih kedepan untuk mewujudkaan Sultra Maju dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi.
At the end of the meeting Ali Mazi and Bahlil, it was agreed that the fellow sons of the Southeast Sulawesi region would push Southeast Sulawesi forward in order to realize the Sultra Advanced and High Competitiveness.
Tim Redaksi
Editorial team