Gubernur Sultra Ali Mazi Terima SK Penyelenggara HPN 2021

Ali Mazi 2

Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Ali Mazi Receives Decree of 2021 HPN Operator, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan- Ketua Umum Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Pusat, Atal S Depari memberikan SK kepada Gubernur Sultra, H. Ali Mazi saat acara Gala Diner Sultra menuju HPN 2021 di Hotel Golden Tulip Banjarmasin, Jumat 7 Februari 2020.

Iklan Viki DPRD Sultra

Chairman of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Atal S Depari gave a decree to the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, H. Ali Mazi during the Southeast Sulawesi Gala Diner to HPN 2021 at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Banjarmasin on Friday, February 7, 2020.

Gubernur Sultra, H. Ali Mazi mengucapkan terima kasih atas ditunjuknya Sultra sebagai tuan rumah HPN 2021 mendatang. Hal ini menjadi suatu kehormatan bagi Sultra.

The Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, H. Ali Mazi, expressed his gratitude for the appointment of Southeast Sulawesi as the host of the upcoming 2021 HPN. This is an honor for Southeast Sulawesi.

“Melalui kesempatan ini, saya selaku Gubernur Sultra menyatakan siap sebagai tuan rumah pelaksanaan HPN 2021,”.

“Through this opportunity, I, as the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, declare that I am ready to host the 2021 HPN implementation.”

H. Ali Mazi menjelaskan, peringatan HPN adalah bentuk apresiasi atas peran pers diberbagai sektor pembangunan. Olehnya, kehadiran media massa yang menyajikan informasi penting bagi ekonomi kerakyatan patut diapresiasi.

H. Ali Mazi explained that the HPN warning was a form of appreciation for the role of the press in various development sectors. Therefore, the presence of mass media that presents important information for people’s economy should be appreciated.

“Bisnis konvensional secara bertahap akan menuju bisnis digital. Disinilah peran pers untuk memberikan informasi untuk mendongkrak ekonomi kerakyatan,” katanya.

“Conventional business will gradually move towards digital business. This is where the role of the press is to provide information to boost the people’s economy,” he said.

Pun begitu, Ia meminta agar pers tetap menjunjung tinggi asas keberimbangan. Membuat pemberitaan yang berkualitas berdasarkan fakta dan data sehingga masyarakat tidak tenggelam dalam informasi dari berita-berita palsu atau hoax.

Even so, he requested that the press still uphold the principle of balance. Making quality news based on facts and data so that people do not drown in information from false news or hoaxes.

Kata dia, HPN adalah event nasional. Dalam event ini dapat dibayangkan berapa jumlah tamu yang akan hadir.

He said, HPN is a national event. In this event you can imagine how many guests will attend.

“Dalam event itu akan terjadi pertambahan penduduk sehingga bertambah pula transaksi ekonomi yang berdampak positif pada perekonomian daerah dan beberapa sektor lainnya, seperti pertanian, budaya, pariwisata dan hasil kerajinan lokal lainnya,” katanya.

“In the event there will be an increase in population so that economic transactions will also increase which will have a positive impact on the regional economy and several other sectors, such as agriculture, culture, tourism and other local handicrafts,” he said.

Peringatan HPN 2020 di Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel) yang sebentar lagi acara puncaknya akan dibuka Presiden Republik Indonesia, Joko Widodo juga menjadi suatu kehormatan dan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi daerah. Tentunya evet nasional tersebut akan sangat menguntungkan bagi daerah selaku tuan rumah.

Commemoration of the 2020 HPN in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan), which will soon open its top event, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo is also a special honor and pride for the region. Of course the national evet will be very beneficial for the region as the host.

H. Ali Mazi juga mengucapkan selamat dan mendoakan akan Kalsel sukses menyelenggarakan acara tersebut. Sebagai tuan rumah HPN 2021 mendatang, H. Ali Mazi tak sungkan meminta bantuan Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.

H. Ali Mazi also congratulated and wished South Kalimantan a successful event. As the host of the upcoming 2021 HPN, H. Ali Mazi did not hesitate to ask for help from the South Kalimantan Provincial Government.

“Kedepan kami akan mengundang dan meminta kesediaan panitia pelaksana dari Pemprov Kalsel untuk menyusun bersama kegiatan HPN 2021 mendatang agar HPN di Sultra berjalan sukses dan sempurna,” katanya.

“In the future we will invite and request the willingness of the organizing committee of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government to jointly arrange the upcoming 2021 HPN activities so that the HPN in Southeast Sulawesi will run successfully and perfectly,” he said.

Ketua PWI Pusat, Atal S. Depari menjelaskan, persaingan menjadi tuan rumah HPN sangat ketat. Olehnya, didaulatnya Sultra sebagai tuan rumah sangatlah istimewa.

The Chairperson of the Central PWI, Atal S. Depari explained, competition to host HPN was very tight. By him, the Southeast Sulawesi province as the host was very special.

“Hal ini tidak terlepas dari kinerja PWI Sultra yang didukung penuh gubernurnya sehingga Sultra jadi tuan rumah. Artinya kami tidak repot lagi mencari tuan rumah,” katanya.

“This is inseparable from the performance of the Southeast Sulawesi PWI which is fully supported by its governor so that Southeast Sulawesi is the host. That means we no longer bother looking for a host,” he said.

Atal pun berharap agar HPN 2021 nantinya akan sukses. Sultra harus memiliki keunikan tersendiri agar bisa mengungguli Kalses sebagai tuan rumah HPN 2020.

Atal also hopes that the HPN 2021 will be successful. Southeast Sulawesi must have its own uniqueness so that it can surpass Kalses as the host of HPN 2020.

“Saya sudah bicara dengan Gubernur Sultra dari hati ke hati, bagaimana kami kemas HPN 2021 mendatang. Kita akan lihat bersama kedepan bagaimana hasilnya. Apalagi yang punya Sultra meminta langsung menjadi tuan rumah. Olehnya itu langsung kita memberikan SK penunjukan Sultra sebagai tuan rumah,” katanya.

“I have talked with the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi from heart to heart, how we will pack the 2021 HPN. We will see together in the future how the results will be. Moreover, those who have Southeast Sulawesi ask to be directly hosted. Therefore we immediately give the Decree on the appointment of Southeast Sulawesi as the host,” he said.

Tim Redaksi